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Отличное руководство для новичков и не только.
Очень подробно рассмотрена техника основных упражнений: Приседания, Жим лежа, Становая тяга, Жим стоя, Подъем на грудь.
По сравнению с первым изданием добавлено описание техники выполнения множества дополнительных упражнений: Частичная тяга, Приседания со штангой на груди, Наклонные жимы, Тяга на прямых ногах, Тяга из ямы, Наклоны со штангой, Швунг жимовой, Подтягивания, Отжимания на брусьях, Тяга в наклоне, Подъем штанги на бицепс wink.gif) ( почти 100 дополнительных страниц ).
На английском языке.
Очень много иллюстраций.
Мастхэв, однозначно !


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часто задаваемые вопросы и разьяснения

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John Little — Beginning Bodybuilding: Real Muscle, Real Fast

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Сообщение изменено: Михалы4 (10 марта 2010 - 12:36)




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Doug McGuff, John R.Little — Body by Science

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Doug McGuff: I am very thankful to John Little and McGraw-Hill publishers for taking a chance on writing a book on high-intensity training. Body by Science will be released on January 9, 2009. The book will take a unique approach. Over the years, HIT proponents have been making arguments, based on empirical evidence that challenge the conventional notion of steady state exercise. The years of shouting from the mountaintops have finally resulted in many scientists testing our theories. As a consequence, there is now a large volume of scientific literature which validates the theories of high intensity training. Body by Science is built entirely around this literature, with every Chapter fully referenced. This book should prove invaluable to HIT facility owners who want to back up their claims in the eyes of a public that has been saturated with exercise conventional wisdom.

>>Doug McGuff: Я выражаю огромную благодарность моему соавтору Джону Литтлу, а также издательству МакГрау-Хилл, сделавшим все возможное, чтобы эта книга увидела свет. Релиз «Body by Science» назначен на 9 января 2009-го года.

Книга имеет следующую важную особенность. До сего момента, последователи высокоинтенсивного тренинга имели в качестве доказательства действенности методики лишь практические результаты применения ВИТ. Однако времена меняются, и вот уже и ученые обратили свое внимание на высокоинтенсивный тренинг. Сегодня, благодаря их усилиям, мы имеем обширную базу исследований, научно подтверждающих теорию ВИТ. «Body by Science» целиком построена на научных материалах, каждая глава подробно откомментирована с научной точки зрения, с соответствующими ссылками.

Таким образом, книга призвана дать всем тренерам ВИТ научную опору в пропагандировании и развитии методики.

Скачать с Rapidshare.com

Сообщение изменено: Михалы4 (10 марта 2010 - 12:52)



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The No Bull Muscle Building Plan by Kelly Badget

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The No Bull Muscle Building Plan - How to Add Slabs of muscle without turning into a tub of lard in the process. "Defying The Curse of The Natural Muscle Seeking Athlete".

"What is The No Bull Muscle Building Plan?

Simple! It is an 82 page manual where I go through and talk about all the problems related to natural muscle building then I tell you how to solve those problems. The program itself involves a fairly specific cyclical eating and training scheme that is designed to allow the genetically average guy to substantially increase their muscular bodyweight without turning into a fat tub of lard in the process and while perhaps even shedding fat while building a good chunk of muscle. Its primary purpose is as a lean muscle gaining plan.

What this manual is not?

It is not a plan that will magically put 30 pounds of muscle on you and transform your body over night. It does require work. It does not replace hard work at the gym and dedication to your nutrition, but I do feel it will enable you to get the most out of the work you do put into transforming your body.

Скачать http://rapidshare.co...ilding_Plan.pdf

Сообщение изменено: Juicer (30 апреля 2010 - 07:52)



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Practical Programming for Strength Training by Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore

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Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: The Aasgaard Company (September 29, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0976805413

Practical Programming offers a different approach to exercise programming than that typically found in other exercise texts. Based on a combined 60+ years of academic expertise, elite-level coaching experience, and the observation of thousands of novice trainees, the authors present a chronological analysis of the response to exercise as it varies through the training history of the athlete, one that reflects the realities of human physiology, sports psychology, and common sense. Contrary to the one-size-fits-all models of periodization offered elsewhere, Practical Programming explains the differences in response to exercise commonly observed between athletes at the novice, intermediate, and advanced levels, explains these differences in the context of the relevant exercise science, and presents new training models that actually work for athletes at all levels of experience. Complete with new, innovative graphical representations of cutting-edge concepts in exercise programming, Practical Programming is sure to become a standard reference in the field of exercise and human performance.

"Common Sense brings the Popular Mythology of Strength Training down a couple of well-deserved notches." -- Mike Lambert, Editor Powerlifting USA

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Сообщение изменено: Дженни (11 февраля 2010 - 10:39)



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Special Strength Training: A Coaches Manual by Yuri Verkhoshansky

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From the Worlds foremost authority on strength training. This book is practical publication on how to implement high level training protcols. Methodological foundations for Special Strength Training. Special Strength Training for speed strength sports. Special Strength training for cyclic sports. Special Strength training in sports having variable motor regimes. The role and placement of SST in the yearly training cycle. Sample training programs.

This book is simply "The Bible" of strength training for sports.

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Get Buffed! by Ian King

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"Ian King has gained a great deal of popularity amidst the hard-working and smart-working core of bodybuilders who want a more complete understanding of the "why" and "how come" beneath the surface of muscle building. He gives the student of weight training insight into every practical question he or she would ever ask about getting bigger, stronger and leaner: how to determine the true training effect of working out, how to gauge how long, how often, how many exercises, sets and reps and in what order; training duration, speed and cadence of reps, fatigue and recovery.

Like stacking forty-five pound plates on an Olympic bar, The King goes on and on teaching truths and expelling doubts. "Get Buffed" is a muscle builder's reliable fact reference."

Dave Draper

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Зеркало: http://rapidshare.co...Get_Buffed_.rar

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Get Jacked... FAST! by Christian Thibaudeau

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12 weeks periodized training, nutrition and supplementation program

Coach Thibaudeau presents you this AMAZING 12-week total body transformation periodized program. This is NOT a book, but a step by step exhaustive training, nutrition and supplementation program which has been designed by Coach Thibaudeau to Get You Jacked Fast!

The progam includes:

- An introduction for each phases (4 phases total), explaining the logic behind each of them
- Detailed workout instructions for every workout day of every week
- Precise nutrition instructions to properly fuel your workouts
- Genuine supplementation approach to further boost your results (Coach Thibaudeau even included 3 different options to suit your budget!)
- A complete section showing the exercises used in the program
- A selected food list which you can pick from
- A chart to fill every week so you can track your progress

No guesswork, no BS, only the creme de la creme from Coach Thibaudeau to get you in the very best shape you can be in record time!

About the author

Thibaudeau (pronounced Tee-Bow-Doh) is yet another French Canadian phenom in the strength and conditioning community. He's successfully trained a wide array of athletes from Olympic lifters and strongmen to hockey players and figure skaters. He's also a competitive Olympic weightlifter, a football coach, and is completing his M.Sc. degree in exercise science. Judging from his articles so far at T-Nation, he also knows a heck of a lot about packing on mass.

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Сообщение изменено: Juicer (12 февраля 2010 - 07:47)



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Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde: Body Transformation From Both Sides of the Force by Christian Thibaudeau & Anthony Roberts

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Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde: Body transformation from both sides of the force is a unique book because it deals with both regular and enhanced training. The natural athlete will find all the tools (as well as a yearly training plan) training and nutrition-wise to transform his body into a lean and muscular work of art while the devoted bodybuilder will be able to learn a few new tricks regarding the very intensive training required to transform his body in a muscular machine.

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Сообщение изменено: Juicer (12 февраля 2010 - 08:05)



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Advanced Sports Nutrition By Dan Benardot

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Publisher: Human Kinetics
Number Of Pages: 352
Publication Date: 2005-12-09

Athletes and coaches are continually seeking ways to maximize efforts in both training and performance. Advanced Sports Nutrition pres the best research- and results-based information and advice that athletes need to gain an edge physically.

Far beyond the typical food pyramid formula, this comprehensive guide presents cutting-edge nutritional concepts tailored for application by athletes in any sport. World-renowned sports nutritionist Dr. Dan Benardot breaks down the of improved performance into winning principles that ensure an athlete’s key energy systems are properly stocked at all times:

Time your meals, snacks, fluids, training, and performances to maintain that crucial energy balance throughout each day. Digest optimal ratios and quantities of energy nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for any sport. Consume the right amount of fluid and electrolytes to avoid dehydration and hyperhydration. Identify and maintain a body composition capable of maximal power output with minimal excess weight for specific sports. Understand the effects of travel, high altitude, and age on nutritional needs and performance.

The best conditioning regimens and technical instruction are beneficial only if the body’s engine is properly fueled and ready to operate at peak efficiency. Use Advanced Sports Nutrition to ensure that your body is running on the highest-grade fuel every time you compete or train.

Скачать: http://rapidshare.co...s_Nutrition.rar



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World of Sports Science

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Publisher: Thomson Gale | ISBN: 1414406142 | edition 2006 | PDF | 875 pages | 19,2 mb

World of Sports Science provides a comprehensive overview of the science of sports. Consisting of 600 entries alphabetically organized across 2 volumes, entries will range in length from 250 to 2,500 words and include theoretical and practical treatment of all aspects of sports science and exercise physiology, kinesiology, and biomechanics. Particular emphasis is placed on such high-interest topics as sports medicine, specifically the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries; pylometric and other athletic training programs; performance-enhancing drugs and drug-testing techniques; and sports psychology, particularly motivational and mental aspects of sport.

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You Are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises for Men and Women by Mark Lauren, Joshua Clark

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Light Of New Orleans Publishing | 2010 | ISBN: 0971407614 | 240 pages | PDF | 44 Mb

Providing the only exercise equipment anyone will ever need again, this guide presents to the public, for the first time, the most elite Special Operations fitness exercises to fit their schedule and their wallet. Providing the most effective, efficient, inexpensive, and convenient routine for exercise available, this simple program requires no gym or weights—only the human body. For thousands of years—from Ancient Greece’s Olympic athletes to tomorrow’s U.S. Special Forces—humanity’s greatest physical specimens have not relied on fitness centers or dumbbells, but have rather utilized their own bodies as the most advanced fitness machines ever created. These 107 exercises are presented in a clear, concise, and complete manner for men and women of all athletic ability levels.

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From Skinny to Muscular by Jonathan Perez

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From Skinny To Muscular is an e-book designed by Jonathan Perez, an normal guy who managed to double his weight and increase muscle without any special diet, supplements, or proteins.

Jonathan Perez had been trying to grow weight for almost ten years when he developed his own system. He had tried almost the whole thing, from strict diets to expensive supplements and intensive workouts in fancy gyms. Nothing worked for him, and none of the recommendation given in top bodybuilding and fitness magazines helped. These resources didn’t work, because they hold up certain brands of sports equipment and supplements. Their articles are aimed at those promotions rather at the readers’ concern. This is when Jonathan Perez started his own research and managed to help him as well as hundreds of others wanting to construct a nice body without poisoning themselves with unnecessary drugs or exhausting themselves with hours of daily workouts.

From Skinny To Muscular exposes all the lies and uncovers secret techniques that work in actual life. You will be taught about how to get the body of your dreams by working out only two hours per week and eating usual food from your local grocery store.

Jonathan Perez:

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Isometric Power Revolution: Mastering the Secrets of Lifelong Strength, Health, and Youthful Vitality by John E. Peterson

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Bronze Bow Publishing | 2007 | ISBN: 1932458506 | 288 pages | PDF | 76 MB

Isometrics Power Revolution is the most comprehensive and effective Isometrics fitness and training system ever devised, created to powerfully strengthen and sculpt every muscle in the entire body without the risk of joint and spine injury or muscle tears that come with weightlifting.

The power of Isometrics training lies in being taught how to perform it correctly. Veteran strength and conditioning coach John e. Peterson shows you precisely how to use Isometrics to reshape your physique and add strength beyond your imagination without ever moving a muscle!

Says Peterson: I ll show you how the most effective Isometric training techniques and exercises that will help you develop lean, perfectly sculpted muscles, shed unwanted and unhealthy weight, and achieve that unmistakable youthful glow without ever having to go to a gym, lift weights, or invest in expensive equipment.

In Isometric Power Revolution, you ll have fingertip access to:

* A complete and comprehensive training program of the best Isometric exercises designed to strengthen and sculpt every muscle group in your body.
* Hundreds of clear, detailed photos showing every facet of every Isometric exercise-most of which can be performed anytime, anyplace.
* An amazing History of Isometrics that convincingly demonstrates why Isometric Contraction is the most scientifically validated approach to strength training and body sculpting.


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Никто не видел в сети Lyle McDonald - The Stubborn Fat Solution и Lyle McDonald - The Protein Book ? smile.gif

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The Bodybuilder's Nutrition Book

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Authors: Franco Columbu and Lydia Fragomeni
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (September 1, 1985)
Language: English

Most bodybuilders realize the vital role nutrition plays in their progress, and the savvy seek enlightened assistance on understanding their body's use of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. But those looking for more than rudimentary guidance will have difficulty finding it amidst Columbo's jumble of personal reminiscences, warmed-over textbook-ishness, meal plans, and pro forma warnings on steroids and other harmful substances. Woman bodybuilders will also be frustrated by the scant attention paid to their special nutritional needs. Columbo is a two-time Mr. Olympia, and former training partner of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who became a doctor of chiropractics and nutrition. Photos not seen by PW. October
Copyright 1985 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Dr. Franco Columbo, a well-known expert on nutrition and kinesiology (and two-time Mr. Olympia) presents the most successful strategies and diet plans for achieving a superior physique. How the body utilizes the basic nutrients and how to use that to your advantage is explained in detail.

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A Guide to Sports and Injury Management

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Authors: Mike Bundy, Andy Leaver
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 1 edition (January 17, 2011)
Language: English

Written by a sports medicine Doctor and a sports physiotherapist to provide a unique sports specific perspective Covers full spectrum of sports medicine care including nutrition, drugs, injuries, diagnosis, protocols, exercise and prevention llustrated with full colour drawings and photographs Accompanied by a DVD containing an interactive common injuries diagnosis tool, self-assessment multiple choice questions set by the authors, narrated video library of diagnoses, exercises and techniques shown by the authors, and the capability to download illustrations Case histories in a 'mini-tutorial' style to illustrate the process of making a diagnosis.

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Tracy Anderson's 30-Day Method: The Weight-Loss Kick-Start that Makes Perfection Possible

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Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Grand Central Life & Style; 1 Har/DVD edition (September 20, 2010)
Language: English

Product Description

Did you know muscles get bored, just like people do? And did you also know that there's a 9 out of 10 chance that you're working the wrong muscles when you exercise? With TRACY ANDERSON'S 30-DAY METHOD you don't have to worry--her unique workout will help you drop the weight and shrink your body in just 30 days.

Based on ten years of scientific research and experience getting not just herself, but A-list stars and everyday people, red carpet ready, Anderson has developed a unique 30-day diet and workout routine that reshapes the body and defies genetics to tone the muscles and drop the pounds. While most people incorrectly target their major muscle groups, like the bicep or hamstring, the focus should be on the smaller accessory muscles that can create a long, lean, balanced look--instead of bulked up look. Anderson's program is composed of a groundbreaking three-tiered approach, including a mat workout and cardio routine targeting the all-important accessory muscles, and an exclusive 30-day meal plan, complete with dozens of delicious recipes.

This comprehensive kick-start program is unlike any other workout on the market and it leaves no chance for anything but terrific, fast results!


"Truly is a miracle. Never did I imagine that in my 30's, after two children, I would be able to change my body to the degree to which I have. Tracy's method works! All you have to do is put the time in and you will see results you never thought possible" - Gwyneth Paltrow

"Tracy Anderson's Method changes your body in a way that no other exercise can. You will see remarkable results...a feminine sexy body!"
-Courteney Cox

"I love Tracy Anderson's Method! Her approach to exercise is smart, creative, and empowering. I believe that Tracy can transform any woman."

"It is such a fantastic work-out. It targets intensely those areas we all panic about in a unique way that keeps your body and mind agile! I absolutely love it. It is so invigorating that it becomes more of a way of life than the dreaded trip to the gym!"
-Emily Blunt

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"Strong Kids, Healthy Kids: The Revolutionary Program for Increasing Your Child's Fitness in 30 Minutes a Week" by Fredrick Hahn

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176 pages | English | 2008 | ISBN: 0814409423 | PDF | 1,3 MB

All parents want their children to be healthy, fit, and more active, but there is a pervasive myth that keeps many kids from reaching their full potential. A popular misconception is that young athletes shouldn't engage in strength training because it is harmful. However, current research, including a recent study from the Mayo Clinic, indicates that nothing could be further from the truth. Strength training is the single most effective exercise method for reversing adolescent obesity and can dramatically alter and improve a child's body composition. With his blockbuster book "The Slow Burna Fitness Revolution", renowned personal trainer Fredrick Hahn revealed the secret to strengthening muscles, enhancing flexibility, burning fat and improving performance in just 30 minutes a week. Now, in "Strong Kids, Healthy Kids", he shows parents, caregivers, teachers, and doctors how his fitness program can change the lives of children and teens everywhere, no matter what their athletic ability. Whether a child is inactive or a competitive athlete looking to take his performance to the next level, he can become much stronger and fitter. As the founder of the Mighty Tykes and Teensa program, Hahn is an expert on child fitness. With this proven program, all children can build their selfesteem, improve their performance, and lead healthier lives.

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  • Город: Кемерово
Andrology: Male Reproductive Health and Dysfunction

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Hardcover: 629 pages
Publisher: Springer; 3rd ed. edition (December 3, 2009)
Language: English


From the reviews of the third edition: “This is intended as a reference on clinical andrology, a worthy objective as there are relatively few outstanding textbooks in this field. The target audience is broad, and includes andrologists, urologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, internists, pediatricians, and basic scientists. … The chapters are well written and full of interesting details. The illustrations are excellent, and each section includes important comments … . This is an excellent comprehensive review of clinical andrology that has been extensively updated from the previous edition.” (Ronald N. Cohen, Doody’s Review Service, June, 2010)

Product Description

This is the 3rd, totally revised edition of a well-known textbook that continues to represent the gold standard in the literature on clinical andrology. It examines in depth all aspects of male reproductive health, encompassing the basic physiology of male reproductive function and a wide range of disorders. Each of the chapters is written by outstanding experts in the field. Among the topics covered are: Testicular function, sperm maturation and fertilization, diagnostic procedures, infertility, primary and secondary hypogonadism, late-onset hypogonadism, erectile dysfunction, genetic disorders, environmental influences, psychology and sexual medicine, testosterone therapy, assisted reproduction: TESE and ICSI, cryopreservation, male contraception and ethics in andrology.

This volume will serve as a textbook for the newcomer to andrology, while providing the experienced physician with a valuable reference work. It will appeal to all who are concerned with male reproductive health.

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Maximum Muscle: The Science of Intelligent Physique Training
(Matthew Perryman)

Maximum Muscle is a survey of contemporary research and knowledge on the subject of muscle growth and strength development. What really makes your muscles grow? Why do some people get massive without much trouble, while others can do the same things and spin their wheels for years? What should you be doing if you want to improve your physique?

These are questions that are constantly asked by those seeking fitness, strength, or muscle bulk; and while somebody always has an answer, you can’t just assume they’re correct. The trouble is not so much information, but how that information is absorbed, evaluated, and put to use. Without the tools of critical thinking, there’s no way to tell signal from noise.

Enter Maximum Muscle. I take on both of these problems by combing through scientific research and presenting the information we have within a practical, critical framework. If you’re confused about not just what to do, but how you should look at ‘working out’ in general, then your solution is here.

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Maximum Muscle: The Science of Intelligent Physique Training

одна из лучших книг по тренингу, которую я когда либо читал



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  • Город: Кемерово
Doping in Sports

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Springer; 1st Edition | December 18, 2009 | ISBN-10: 354079087X | 540 pages | PDF | 3.06 Mb

Doping in sports and the fight against it has gained increasing attention in recent years. The pharmacological basis for a possible performance enhancement in competitive sport through the administration of prohibited substances and methods as well as the analytical disclosure of such practices are comprehensively covered in 21 contributions by outstanding and distinctive authors.

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Всех с Новым Годом и Рождеством! Очередная диета, FAST-5.

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Mark Sisson. The Primal Blueprint: Reprogram your genes for effortless weight loss, vibrant health, and boundless energy.

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Hardcover: 283 pages
Publisher: Primal Nutrition, Inc.; 1 edition (June 1, 2009)
Language: English

Product Description

Combining modern genetic science and evolutionary biology, The Primal Blueprint dispels a number of the myths that modern medicine and conventional wisdom have come to accept as fact. Author Mark Sisson takes the reader on a fascinating journey through human evolution, comparing the life and robust health of our hunter-gatherer ancestors with a day in the life of a modern family - exposing potential health issues that arise from trying to do the right things living in the 21st century. Sisson offers a solution in 10 empowering "Blueprint Lifestyle Laws" that can help us reprogram our genes away from disease and pain towards a direction of effortless weight loss, vibrant health and boundless energy. The reader learns how the right high-fat diet can actually help one lose weight; how popular low-fat, grain-based diets might trigger illness, disease, and lifelong weight gain; why doing too much cardio exercise might actually suppress the immune system and how some of today's most common medications might make a health condition even worse. The consummate book on "Paleo" or "Primal"

About the Author

Former world-class endurance athlete (2:18 marathon, 4th place Hawaii Ironman), BA degree in biology (Williams College), former Anti-doping Commissioner of International Triathlon Union and its liaison to the IOC, founder and CEO of Primal Nutrition, Inc., owner/founder of MarksDailyApple.com a top-ranked health and fitness blog with 3 million page views per month.

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