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NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training

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NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training
English | 20xDVDRip | AVI / XviD, ~221 kb/s | ~6 hour | MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch) | 985 MB
Genre: Video Training

Many great concepts in here! National Academy of Sports Medicine 4 disc set. This is the instructional DVD’s you go through to get you personal training liscense. Great information and instruction even if you don't want to be a CPT.
  • Covers concepts in assessment, program design, balance, flexibility, strength, stabilization, and power
  • Designed to teach evidence-based principles of personal training and prepare students for NASM’s CPT certification exam
  • Gives you the tools you need to systematically assess your clients and safely progress them towards their fitness goals
1. Scientific Rationale
2. Basic Exercise Science
3. The Cardiorespiratory System
4. Human Movement Science Concepts
5. Fitness Assessment

6. Flexibility Training Concepts
7. Cardiorespiratory Training Concepts
8. Core Training Concepts
9. Balance Training Concepts
10. Reactive Training Concepts
11. Speed Agility and Quickness

12. Resistance Training Concepts
13. Integrated Program Design Concepts
14. Special Populations
15. Nutrition

16. Supplementation
17. Behavior Modification
18. Professional Development

The NASM CPT Certification course DVD, NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training, reflects the best in cutting-edge research in exercise science and sports medicine.

The course covers concepts in assessment, program design, balance, flexibility, strength, stabilization, and power; and is designed to teach evidence-based principles of personal training and prepare students for NASM’s CPT certification exam.

Bottom line: NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training gives you the tools you need to systematically assess your clients and safely progress them towards their fitness goals.

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251 mb split


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NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training, 4th Edition

By National Academy of Sports Medicine (Author), Brian G. Sutton (Editor)

Since 1987, the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has been a global leader in providing evidence-based certifications and advanced credentials to health and fitness professionals. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training, Fourth Edition, continues to lead the way by providing the most comprehensive resource for aspiring personal trainers and other health and fitness professionals.

Based on NASM’s proprietary Optimum Performance Training (OPT™) model, you will learn a systematic approach to program design with exercise program guidelines and variables; protocols for building stabilization, strength, and power programs; guidance on how to build a clientele through professional development; and more! By following the techniques in this book, you will gain the information, insight, and inspiration you need to change the world as a health and fitness professional.

This text is a recommended resource for the NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) certification. The NASM CPT certification is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).

Hardcover: 648 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Fourth edition (June 2, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 160831281X
ISBN-13: 978-1608312818

PDF, 27.75 mb


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Complete Hip and Lower Extremity Conditioning

Evan Osar, DC, CMT, PES, CSCS
Chiropractic Physician
Clinical Massage Therapist
Performance Enhancement Specialist
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Contributions from:
Shawn Allen, DC, DABCO
Chiropractic Physician
Diplomat American Board of Chiropractic Orthopedists

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In Complete Hip and Lower Extremity Conditioning you will learn:
  • How the hip functions as part of the core complex and aids in dynamic stabilization of the body.
  • To identify signs of overuse and disuse of the muscles of the hip complex.
  • How the hip aids in overall performance and relates to injury prevention of the low back and knee.
  • To enhance performance of the hip and lower extremity utilizing safe and effective exercise progressions.
  • How to rehabilitate or condition your clientele whether they are a beginner or advanced athlete.
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Muscles of the Hip 2
Neutral Alignment of the Pelvis 3
Force Couple Affecting the Hip 4
Range of Motion in the Hip 7
Hip Motion During Functional Movement Patterns 8
Snapping Hip Syndrome 10
Hamstring Injuries 11
Functional Role of the Hamstring Muscles 13
Prevention and Training Strategies 15
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries 17
Prevention of ACL Injuries 18
Prevention Strategies 19

Section 1
Plane of Motion 24
Axes of Rotation 25
Planes of Motion and Axis of Rotation 26
Basic Movement Patterns 27
Functional Biomechanics: Pronation and Supination 30
The Hip 32
Frontal Plane Functional Biomechanics 34
Sagittal Plane Functional Biomechanics 40
A Piece of the Functional Puzzle: Hip Rotation 42
The Knee 45
The Ankle and Foot 48
The Integrated Model of Function 52
Form Closure 54
Force Closure 54
Motor Control 53
Muscular System of the Core 55
Introduction to Functional Anatomy 57
The Anterior Abdominal Wall 58
The Lumbar Erector Spinae 60
Quadratus lumborum 61
The Multifidus 62
Gluteals 64
Hamstrings 66
Piriformis and Deep Rotators of the Hip 67
Diaphragm 68
Adductors 69
Rectus femoris 69
Nutrition 70
Emotions 71

Section II
Insights to the Psoas major 72
The Psoas Major: Introduction and Functional Integration 73
Exercise Prescription 76

Section III
Functional Hip Conditioning 83
Common Hip Dysfunction 84
Re-seating the Femoral Head 85
Quadraped Weight Shifts 86
Hip Stabilization Techniques 88
Anterior Reaches 89
Posterior Reaches 92
Full Range Reaches 94
Squats 95
Ankle Stability Squats 101
Unilateral Squats 102
Lunge Patterns 104
Lunge with Rotations 109
Cable Resistance Lunges 112
Step Ups/Step Downs 116
Rotation Patterns 123
The Slide Board 126
Slide Board Lunge Patterns 127
Bridges 130
Ball Walkouts 136
Static Arm Swings 138
Triple Extension Curls 138
Lateral Jumps 140
Single Leg Ball Slides 143
Deadlifts 144
Windmills 145
Body Blade 147
Cable Pulldown Series 148
Plyometrics 150
Guidelines 153
References 160

Pages: 171
Publisher: Form and Function Publications (2005)
Language: English

PDF, 9.9 mb rar'ed to 9.2 mb





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Training for Speed, Power and Strength

Isabel Walker (Editor)

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Serious athletes don't need reminding of the importance of sports conditioning. They know it's not enough nowadays simply to put in hundreds of hours of basic training - be it on the bike, on the track, in the pool or on the court. To compete at your very best, you need to build the appropriate strength, power and speed elements into your conditioning regime. That's what gives you the extra edge you need to excel at your sport. The question is: what's the most effective way to do this for YOUR sport? In Training for Speed, Power and Strength, John Shepherd and Raphael Brandon dissect the major current debates in sports conditioning, analyse the very latest scientific findings - then spell out in plain English their significance for the serious athlete. It's a rare opportunity to assess the latest thinking on sports conditioning for yourself, and decide how best to integrate it into your regular training regime. Read our brand new report and here are some of the facts you'll learn: What are the best weight-training exercises for swimmers wanting to Maximize strength and power? How can rowers get the maximum return on the time they spend in the gym? What steps can masters athletes take to reverse age-related deterioration in speed? What's the best way for you to encourage fast-twitch muscle fibre development? Which sport-specific drills boost agility in your sport? What are the new techniques you can use to 'fast-forward' your speed conditioning to a new level? Postage & packing is free. And you've got 30 days to decide whether or not you want to keep the book or return it for a full refund. Are you as fast as you'd like to be? Speed. We all want more of it, whether we're 100m sprinters or marathon runners. After all, is it any more frustrating to lose a track event in the last two metres, or a marathon in the last two hundred yards? However, it is often assumed that those blessed with great speed or strength are born with a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibres, and that no amount of speed work (or neuronal stimulation) will turn a cart-horse into a race horse. But, in fact, fast-twitch fibres are fairly evenly distributed between the muscles of sedentary people, with most possessing 45-55% of both fast- and slow-twitch varieties. That means few of us are inherently destined for any particular type of sports activity, and how we develop will depend mostly on two factors: The way our sporting experiences are shaped at a relatively early age How we train our muscle fibres throughout our sporting careers In Training for Speed, Power and Strength we shed new light on how you can get the utmost speed out of your system through the appropriate training techniques. For example, we describe acceleration techniques used by elite sprinters like Maurice Greene that you too can use to stimulate neuromuscular activity. And we describe several basic mechanical devices, hitherto used only by elite athletes to assist their speed conditioning programmes, that you can easily put to work for you.

Spiral-bound: 90 pages
Publisher: Peak Performance Publishing (10 Mar 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1905096089
ISBN-13: 978-1905096084

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The 2008 Indianapolis Performance Enhancement Seminar

Mike Robertson & Bill Hartman

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6xDVDRip | English | AVI | 720 x 480 | XviD ~1192 kbps | 29.970 fps
MP3 | 128 kbps | 48.0 KHz | 2 channels | 6 hours | 3.34 GB
Genre: Video Training / Fitness

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In this six DVD series, you’ll receive up-to-the-minute training information that’s guaranteed to improve your training, or that of the clients and athletes you work with.

DVD #1 – Introduction and 21st Century Core Training
What is the difference between core strength and core stability? And why must you absolutely be training for stability vs. strength? Learn the biomechanics of the core and lumbar spine, and why ineffective training will leave you at increased risk of injury.

DVD #2 – Creating a More Effective Assessment
Identification of deficiencies precedes optimal program design. An effective assessment then is the key to a successful program. Formal and informal, general and specific assessment and clearing tests will be discussed and guidelines to address the needs of individuals and groups are provided in this segment.

DVD #3 – Optimizing Upper Extremity Biomechanics
Upper extremity training is still in the dark ages. Learn why your old program isn't working, and learn the three components you must include in your program for optimal results. Finally, learn the two muscle groups that you probably aren't even training that are integral to the health and performance of your upper extremity.

DVD #4 – Building Bulletproof Knees
The knee is one of the most frequently injured joints in the body. Are you doing everything possible to keep yours (or your clients') healthy? This session will examine why so many knees are getting injured, along with strategies and programming you can utilize to get your knees back to 100%.

DVD #5 – Selecting the Optimal Method for Effective Flexibility Training
Flexibility training goes far beyond common methods of stretching. Sources of movement impairments can be strength-related, neurological, or tissue-related. Learn to identify the causes of mobility limitations and which methods to apply to achieve the desired outcome.

DVD #6 – Program Design and Conclusion
Trainers and coaches who are only selling the "6-week package" aren't looking at the big picture. What does this client/athlete need to succeed over the long haul? Learn how to develop programs that are not only biomechanically correct for your client, but how to keep them on the path to success for many years to come.

Complete name : #1 - Introduction and 21st Century Core Training.avi
Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
File size : 543 MiB
Duration : 56mn 53s
Overall bit rate : 1 334 Kbps

Video #0
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Duration : 56mn 53s
Bit rate : 1 192 Kbps
Width : 720 pixels
Height : 480 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 3:2
Frame rate : 29.970 fps
Standard : NTSC
Color space : YUV
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
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Stream size : 485 MiB (89%)
Writing library : XviD 1.1.0 Beta2 (UTC 2005-04-04)

Audio #1
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Mode : Joint stereo
Mode extension : MS Stereo
Codec ID : 55
Codec ID/Hint : MP3
Duration : 56mn 53s
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 128 Kbps
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz
Compression mode : Lossy
Stream size : 52.1 MiB (10%)
Alignment : Aligned on interleaves
Interleave, duration : 24 ms (0.72 video frame)


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Stretching for Functional Flexibility 
Phil Armiger (Author), Michael Martyn (Illustrator)
Stretching for Functional Flexibility is a reference guide for the safe, effective, and efficient application of stretching exercises to improve range of motion and movement potential. Based on the most current research, this text is a valuable reference for physical, occupational and massage therapists, athletic trainers, fitness trainers, coaches, sports and orthopedic physicians, doctors of chiropractic, and many other professionals dealing with the health and performance of the musculoskeletal system. The text provides all of the information necessary to design and implement a safe and effective stretching program. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and an image bank for instructors.
Hardcover: 464 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 Har/Psc edition (January 7, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 078176792X
ISBN-13: 978-0781767927
PDF, 8.59 mb

Sports and Exercise Nutrition. 4th edition
William D. McArdle BS M.Ed PhD (Author), 
Frank I. Katch (Author),
Victor L. Katch (Author)
Updated with the latest cutting-edge research findings, the Fourth Edition helps readers make the bridge between nutrition and exercise concepts and their practical applications. The book provides a strong foundation in the science of exercise nutrition and bioenergetics and offers valuable insights into how the principles work in the real world of physical activity and sports medicine. Case Studies and Personal Health and Exercise Nutrition activities engage readers in practical nutritional assessment problems.
Hardcover: 704 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Fourth, North American Edition edition (May 22, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1451118066
ISBN-13: 978-1451118063
PDF, 144.5 mb

Study Guide to Accompany NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training
National Academy of Sports Medicine (Author)
Published by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, this study guide is the perfect companion to NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training. Designed as an innovative, systemic approach, NASM’s Corrective Exercise Continuum is used by thousands of health and fitness and sports performance professionals worldwide to help decrease the risk of injury and maximize training results. This study guide will help you evaluate your knowledge and review your strengths and weaknesses so you can be sure you’re at your peak as you help your clients prepare for competition or make a change toward a more healthy lifestyle!
The Study Guide to Accompany NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training provides a variety of question types to help test your knowledge, including multiple choice, true/false, vocabulary, short answer, and fill-in-the-blank.
Paperback: 180 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Study Guide edition (October 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1608317145
ISBN-13: 978-1608317141
PDF, 896 kb

Study Guide to Accompany NASM Essentials of Sports Performance Training
Michael A. Clark DPT, MS, PES, CES
Scott D. Lucett , MS, PES, CES, NASM - CPT
National Academy of Sports Medicine (Author)
A Study Guide to accompany NASM Essentials of Sports Performance Training. In an increasingly competitive professional environment, with the added pressure of media attention, athletes have to perform at increasingly higher levels and still avoid injury. To help them succeed, the advanced techniques in NASM Essentials of Sports Performance Training will help create highly individualized, integrated programs that enrich training and enhance performance. The book will prepare students for the NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM-PES) certification, the highest-level advanced certification in the industry and the only certification accepted by the National Basketball Athletic Trainers' Association for its NBA teams.
Paperback: 85 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 Stg edition (October 20, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1605479128
ISBN-13: 978-1605479125
PDF, 1.5 mb

Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance, 4th edition
by Stuart McGill
2004 | ISBN: 0973501804 | English | 325 Pages | PDF | 72.70 MB
Get the latest scientific evidence on back exercise - what helps and what hurts, and why, from a world renowned authority. Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance provides professionals with the evidence base to design and prescribe the best exercise programs for the back. A complete description of a 5-stage program is provided. Many examples illustrate each stage within a bad back rehabilitation program together with a performance enhancement program for athletes. Beginning with recognizing and re-patterning perturbed motor programs and progressing to the enhancement of stability, then endurance, the final stages continue with strength, power and agility training. Each step is well illustrated and instructive. Added to this are general approaches to assess the demand of individual activities and sports and how to identify the critical components that need specific focus in an individual's back. Dr. McGill's style makes for an easy read of this thorough and rich resource.




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Unique Considerations of the Female Athlete
Michael Brunet (Author)
Research shows that women athletes perform better when their unique considerations and differences are addressed in training and rehabilitation. Unique Considerations of the Female Athlete is written to help improve performance in women athletes and improve the safety and well-being of women participating in sporting events. Specifically, this book presents the strategies for identifying risk factors, preventing injury, and rehabilitating problems or injuries.
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning; 1 edition (February 5, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1401897819
ISBN-13: 978-1401897819
PDF, 10.0 mb




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Sports Nutrition: Fats and Proteins
by Judy A. Driskell
It is well known that fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are all energy-yielding nutrients that influence health and physical performance. Yet many recreational, collegiate, and professional athletes still consume more fats, saturated fats, and cholesterol than is recommended, as well as inappropriate amounts of proteins. What is needed is a nuts and bolts reference to guide athletes, coaches, and trainers to make educated choices when designing a diet to yield optimal performance.
Sports Nutrition: Fats and Proteins is an up-to-date compilation of critical reviews on the influence of dietary and supplemental fats and proteins on physical performance. Each chapter is written by a recognized scientist with notable expertise in the area of fat or protein as it relates to exercise and sports. It provides a detailed introduction to sports nutrition with an emphasis on the influence of fats and proteins. Covering the quantity and types of fats that effect performance and health, the book includes a general chapter on total fats, saturated fats, and cholesterol, as well as chapters on specific supplements including omegas-3 and -6, medium-chain triglycerides, conjugated linoleic acid, wheat germ oil, and octacosonol. The book also focuses on proteins and the amounts, types, and combinations of selected supplements and their role in performance. Well-researched articles analyze whey, soy, and casein proteins; select amino acids such as creatine, glutamine, and branched-chain; and other beneficial supplements. The book concludes with a discussion of recommended intakes of the energy-yielding nutrients and, more importantly, recommended proportions of carbohydrates to fats to proteins.
Armed with the valuable information found in Sports Nutrition: Fats and Proteins, sports nutritionists, fitness professionals, researchers, and the well-informed layman can create and tailor the appropriate diet to help them and others maximize performance and reach their highest potential.
Publisher:    CRC Press
Date:    2007-04-19
ISBN-10:    0849390796
ISBN-13:    9780849390791
Language:    English
Pages:    400
PDF, 5.89 mb




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HazelEyes, привет!

Большое спасибо за подробное описание.

Все получилось.

И, вообще, спасибо за информацию и книги, которые вы здесь выкладываете - очень интересно читать, смотреть, много полезного для себя нашла.

Спасибо :)




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NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training 
National Academy of Sports Medicine (Author)
NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training introduces the health and fitness professional to NASM’s proprietary Corrective Exercise Continuum, a system of training that uses corrective exercise strategies to help improve muscle imbalances and movement efficiency to decrease the risk of injury. This textbook includes several new chapters that were not included in NASM’s previous corrective exercise materials, including the rationale for corrective exercise training, assessments of health risk, static postural assessments, range of motion assessments, and strength assessments (manual muscle testing) as well as corrective exercise strategies for the cervical spine, elbow, and wrist.
There are more than 100 corrective exercise techniques in the categories of self-myofascial release, static stretching, neuromuscular stretching, isolated strength training, positional isometrics, and integrated dynamic movements included in the text. These, along with corrective exercise strategies for common movement impairments seen in each segment of the body, make this text the premier resource for learning and applying NASM’s systematic approach to corrective exercise training.
Hardcover: 432 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 Har/Psc edition (September 25, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0781768020
ISBN-13: 978-0781768023
PDF, 17.8 mb


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NASM Essentials of Sports Performance Training 
National Academy of Sports Medicine (Author)
This First Edition, based on the National Academy of Sports Medicine™ (NASM) proprietary Optimum Performance Training (OPT™) model, teaches future sports performance coaches and other trainers how to strategically design strength and conditioning programs to train athletes safely and effectively. Readers will learn NASM's systematic approach to program design with sports performance program guidelines and variables; protocols for building stabilization, strength, and power programs; innovative approaches to speed, agility and quickness drills, and more! This is the main study tool for NASM's Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES).
Hardcover: 576 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 Har/Psc edition (October 20, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0781768039
ISBN-13: 978-0781768030
PDF, 42.7 mb (35.2 mb rar)
Примечание; В посте 63 выложено учебное пособие к этой книге Study Guide to Accompany NASM Essentials of Sports Performance Training 




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The Ultimate Kettlebells Workbook: The Revolutionary Program to Tone, Sculpt and Strengthen Your Whole Body
by Dave Randolph
2011 | ISBN: 1569758743 | English | 144 Pages | EPUB | 4.50 MB
Whether you’re looking to get in better shape, enhance your strength training or challenge yourself with the ultimate high-intensity workout, kettlebells are the perfect tool to get the body you want with less time in the gym. With over 300 step-by-step photos, this book illustrates over 100 kettlebell exercises that produce unmatched results for:
• burning fat and building muscle
• enhancing balance and coordination
• increasing hand and foot speed
• improving sports performance
• boosting endurance and core strength
The Ultimate Kettlebell Workbook teaches the proper way to do primary lifts as well as variations so you can use kettlebells safely and effectively to transform your current workout into a dynamic program for developing strength and power.

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Kinesiology: The Mechanics and Pathomechanics of Human Movement, 2nd edition 
(Recall Series) 
Carol A. Oatis (Author)
The Second Edition of Kinesiology: The Mechanics and Pathomechanics of Human Movement relates the most current understanding of anatomy and mechanics with clinical practice concerns. Featuring seven chapters devoted to biomechanics, straightforward writing, and over 900 beautiful illustrations, the text provides you with detailed coverage of the structure, function, and kinesiology of each body region. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the relationship between the quality of movement and overall human health.
Special features include:


  • New DVD containing about 150 videos provides dynamic examples of clinical demonstrations, principle illustrations, and lab activities. This powerful resource explores patient function, dysfunction, and injury for greater comprehension.
  • linical Relevance Boxes reinforce the relationship of biomechanical principles to patient care through real-life case studies.
  • Muscle Attachment Boxes provide easily accessed anatomical information and tips on muscle palpation.
  • Examining the Forces Boxes highlight the advanced mathematical concepts used to determine forces on joint structure.
  • Evidence-based presentations deliver the most current literature and essential classic studies for your understanding of musculoskeletal structure and function.
Whether you are a student or practitioner in the field of physical therapy, occupational therapy, or exercise science, this comprehensive book serves as an excellent resource for best practice techniques.
Hardcover: 960 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Second, North American Edition edition (February 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0781774225
ISBN-13: 978-0781774222
PDF, 22.4 mb (21.1 mb rar)

Сообщение изменено: HazelEyes (17 февраля 2013 - 11:27)




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HazelEyes писал 30 Янв 2013 - 18:51:

Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance, 4th edition
by Stuart McGill


Выявилось, что могут возникнуть проблемы с открытием этого файла - Adobe Reader XI показывает, что файл поврежден и не подлежит восстановлению. Однако, Sumatra PDF его отлично открывает.

Ссылка на программу Sumatra PDF в посте 73.




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Fascial Fitness DVD
Dr. Robert Schleip, Ph.D. and Divo Muller, H.P.
c2e66bb1c8cff39d99e13110e1b09465.jpg   5a9ab94a662fc244ff334debfda682cb.jpg
The new Fascial Fitness DVD overviews both theory and practice in the new field of training our "biological fabric." Any movement "trains" fascia, but this DVD give us the opportunity to be informed and specific in training the fascia as well as the muscles, nerves and core.
Long the Cinderella of our body tissues and relegated to the role of packing material, research is now revealing the important regulatory functions of the fascia in overall biomechanics. Created in close cooperation with international scientists by experienced movement educators and bodyworkers, this DVD outlines 10 strategies leading to fascial fitness, translated into a unique form of movement instruction.
Whenever a football player is not able to take the field because of a recurrent hamstring tear, a tennis star gives up early on a match due to his knee giving out, or a sprinter limps across the finish line with a torn Achilles tendon, the problem is usually neither in the musculature or the skeleton. Instead, it is the structure of the connective tissue--ligaments, tendons, joint capsules, etc.--that have been loaded beyond their usual capacity. Focused and intelligent training of this fascial network could be of great use to athletes, dancers and in rehabilitation. Until now, sports trainers have mostly focused on the classical triad of muscular strength, cardiovascular conditioning and neuromuscular coordination. Taking the connective tissue network into account can produce fewer injuries, faster healing and more balanced fitness development.
This DVD contains 10 essential points of theory, put into practice with fascial release stretching techniques along with tips for everyday exercises, injury prevention and fitness programs.
About the authors
Dr. Robert Schleip, Ph.D., is director of the Fascia Research Group at Ulm University, Germany. He has been a Rolfing and Feldenkrais teacher since 1992 and is research director of the European Rolfing Association. He was co-initiator and organizer of the first Fascia Research Congress. He is author and editor of numerous articles and research publications.
Divo Muller, H.P., is a Somatic Experience practitioner and one of the first international authorized Continuum Movement teachers in Europe. She is the author of numerous articles and DVDs, all of which teach a specially designed movement approach for women. Divo teaches regularly all over Europe as well as in Brazil and in New Zealand.
Schleip and Muller and their German Fascial Fitness team are coordinating with Kinesis director Tom Myers and his team to bring the research information in practical form to movemment and manual therapy practitioners worldwide. This DVD marks a major milestone in this effort.


Fascial Fitness Resources
Though we often talk about training the muscles, for sure it's the whole body that gets trained. From the original focus on simple power, personal trainers over the last decades have expanded their view to understand aerobic vs anaerobic strength, the benefits and perils of stretching, the role of neuromuscular coordination in the practical movement of all kinds, and more recently the role of core stability in preventing injury.
Now we are asked to include the role of the fascial webbing that holds it all together.  Fascia - or more properly the extracellular matrix of fibers, 'glue' and water between all your cells - responds to training. It is changing during your training program whether you are aware of it or not. Since most injuries are in fact injuries to the fascia, it is better to understand it - for your own sake and for your clients. Far from a passive packing material, your biological fabric surrounds the joints, invests the muscles, and holds the organs in place.  These interconnected sinews direct the traffic of forces around the body, and is capable of responding and remodeling itself as forces change - whether they change due to training, lack of training, or injury.
Recently, the amount of research on fascia has gone up substantially, and efforts are being made to collate and bring together the results of that research to bear on training protocols, and the Fascial Fitness material is the result.  Fascial Fitness is a collaboration between Dr Robert Schleip, Ph. D., a dedicated fascial researcher at Ulm University in Germany, prominent speaker, and widely respected information hub, and Thomas Myers, author of Anatomy Trains and Fascial Release for Structural Balance, who offers educational opportunities for a variety of manual and movement practitioners worldwide. These two 'afascianados' and their teaching staff and colleagues are assembling and making practical sense from the research findings that are coming out of the biennial Fascial Research Congresses.
These research findings are confirming personal trainers' ideas in some instances, but other findings are lifting eyebrows. That the fascia gets temporarily weaker and then comes back stronger after a heavy workout is probably no surprise to the experienced trainer. That hydration is important to fascial health is a no brainer, but that periodic rest is essential to fascial hydration is news to some 'Rawhiders' who never take a break during their workouts or runs. That there are ten times more sensory endings in the fascia than there are in the muscles is an eye opener to most of us. For every one muscle spindle (and even these endings in the muscle are actually sensing changes in the fascia), there are ten Golgi Tendon Organs, Paciniform pressure receptors, Ruffini shear detectors, or interstitial nerve endings in the the nearby fascia. You may think you are paying attention to your muscles - but your brain is paying far more attention to the fascia.
Other surprising findings will have deep implications for the exercise training of the future. It's clear now that muscle contraction transmits force to nearby ligaments and surrounding muscles - this runs against our notions that muscles work individually, and that ligaments only work at the extremes of joint motion.  New findings are showing that different people have differing physiological traits to their fascia, and this may require training modification depending on your client's fascial type.
When you train the body, the muscles respond, but the fascia responds also - becoming stronger, more elastic, more communicative, more stretchy, and generally more capable. If training proceeds too fast, too hard, or without variation, then the fascial response can be injury, adhesion, and lack of versatility.  In the Fascial Fitness presentations, we present the results of this research for your review.  Fascial Fitness is a work in progress - since research on fascia is new, more information is coming in all the time, and some the practical applications of the research are still open to question and being worked out.
The response of the fascial system to training and to injury is an exciting and relatively new field.  The Fascial Fitness courses are lavishly illustrated, presented in a lively and accessible manner, and stem from a deep understanding of fascial response to manual therapy. Bring the latest research to bear on your practical business of teaching personal fitness and reaching a body that is 'fit for life'. Understanding fascia is vital to getting the best results from training.
— Thomas Myers
Running time: 58 minutes
Language: German, немецкий
Format: iso
Size: 2.76 Gb, 450 mb split
Folder link




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Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training – eBook and DVD Interactive Tutorial
Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore
No matter what your body type, this DVD is for you. It details from multiple angles, each move; and with an array of different sized men AND women. I personally have never been great with trying to imagine just what is being explained in a book. With this DVD I saw and heard the moves explained and was able to follow along in my own living room with a simple stick until I was able to get the form down. The DVD is a must for anyone into weights. If you are a veteran or a novice, this speaks directly to you!
Rated 5 out of 5 Stars at Amazon.com.
Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training is the new expanded version of the book that has been called “the best and most useful of fitness books.” It picks up where Starting Strength: A Simple and Practical Guide for Coaching Beginners leaves off. With all new graphics and more than 750 illustrations, a more detailed analysis of the five most important exercises in the weight room, and a new chapter dealing with the most important assistance exercises, Basic Barbell Training offers the most complete examination in print of the most effective way to exercise.
This is the companion DVD to Rippetoe’s Starting Strength book. At almost 2 1/2 hours, it is an absolute must for anyone who either has the book or is interested in learning how to perform the major lifts correctly. The book covers squats, deadlifts, power cleans, presses and bench press. Each segment has several people of different ages who are “coached” through each lift, starting from the basics and progressing from there. While the book in and of itself is fantastic, there is some truth to “a picture is worth a thousand words”, especially in video format. Unless you are able to attend one of his certification seminars, this is the next best thing. Actually, it may be better than the seminars in that you can pause, rewind and learn at your own pace. I have done both the seminar and own the DVD, and would not hesitate to recommend this product.
131.6 mb split
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Your Muscular Potential, 4th Edition


Casey Butt, Ph.D.




How to predict your maximum muscular bodyweight and measurements

Прикрепленные файлы

  • Прикрепленный файл  ympb.pdf    924,23К   12350 Количество загрузок




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Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training – eBook and DVD Interactive Tutorial  - было уже здесь и довольно давно.Весь мир уже 3-е издание читает!Не надо мусорить!




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Иванофф писал 18 Мар 2013 - 19:55:

Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training – eBook and DVD Interactive Tutorial  - было уже здесь и довольно давно.Весь мир уже 3-е издание читает!Не надо мусорить!


Уважаемый Иванофф,

прежде чем публиковать пост, я провожу проверку, не был ли выложен материал ранее.

Вот результаты поиска - поста с видео, кроме моего, там нет.


О том, что книга 3-го издания давно доступна и имеется на форуме, я знаю.


Этот пост большей частью ради видео. Но заливка не моя - уж что положено, то положено в архив, убрать оттуда книгу 2-го издания я не могу..

Полагаю, на форуме есть участники разных уровней подготовки - для кого-то это пройденный этап, а кому-то, возможно, видео и пригодится..
Впрочем, на усмотрение администраторов/модераторов - если посчитают мой пост #77 лишним, удалят.
У меня все равно нет полномочий на редактирование и удаление ранних постов.
Не ругайтесь...

Сообщение изменено: HazelEyes (20 марта 2013 - 06:32)




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Fitness Professionals' Guide to Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Human Movement
Lawrence A. Golding, Scott M. Golding
English | ISBN: 1585187062 | 2003 | 256 pages | EPUB/PDF | 92/71 MB
Fitness Professional’s Guide to Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Human Movement is a revolution in the field of human movement. Comprehensive and meticulous, this ground-breaking text is ideal for college courses and a must for health and fitness experts, physical therapists, and related professionals. The book uses full color to isolate and illustrate every muscle in the body. And unlike 2-dimensional anatomy posters where such detail would be impossible, each muscle’s origin and insertion are shown in detail. Along with the illustrations, you’ll find a description of each muscle as well as information on its joint crossings, associated body actions, blood supply, and controlling nerves. Never has learning the muscles and their associated actions and details been easier or more straight-forward.
But the free CD-ROM included with each copy of the book is what really makes this resource unique. Developed specifically as a companion to this text, the intuitive and easy-to-use PC CD-ROM applies each of the muscles and body actions described in the book to nearly 300 specific exercises. Each exercise is shown in full-motion video and demonstrated in repeatable, correct form, with complete descriptions, step-by-step instructions, and a list of the body actions used to perform each exercise. By double-clicking on any of the 65 body actions, you’ll get a list of each muscle used in that action. Double-click on any of the muscles in the list, and you’ll be presented with detailed information about that muscle, complete with a full-color image of the muscle that you can magnify and isolate from the surrounding muscles. It even gives you an audio clip of the correct pronunciation!
epub. 95 mb
PDF, 71 mb




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National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT) Manuals
Personal Fitness Trainer Certification Preparation Manual, 5th edition, 2008
by National Federation of Professional Trainers
Ron J Clark
Written by:
Mark P. Kelly, PhD
Scott Skinner, RD
Ron J Clark, President & Founder
Charles DeFrancesco
Frank Campitelli, BS
The NFPT Study & Reference Manual, with consultation guidelines and complete instructions for offering safe and effective fitness trainer services, provides the fundamental education and business tools needed to work as a successful personal trainer. This manual is considered recommended reading for the preparation of your CPT exam.
Table of Contents:
Basic Human Anatomy   5
The Cell      13
Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function 19
Anatomical Terms and Biomechanics 24
Cardiac and Smooth Muscle Structure and Function   28
Diet and Metabolism of Nutrients 31
Protein Requirements and Energy Production    38
Eating Before Activity and the Cardiovascular Response   42
Brain Function, Carbohydrates, and Aging     44
The General Fitness Routine  46
Flexibility, Stability, and Core Strength     51
Cross Training and Enhancing Sports Skills      53
The Physiology of Aerobic and Low Level Activity    61
Fundamental and Advanced Resistance Exercise Principles  72
Antagonistic Multi-Set Training Principle    78
The Beginner     81
Administering Resistance Exercises and Warm Ups     84
Post-Workout Considerations  91
Client Trouble Shooting   93
Program Design Using NFPT Charts and Tables   102
Client Screening Questionnaire  117
Client Programming, Stretches, Exercises     128
The Mind Body Connection  139
Physiological Effects of Steroids 142
Water - The Most Essential Nutrient     145
Special Populations    148
Injury Prevention and Management 156
Emergency Medical System  161
Legal Considerations   164
Marketing Personal Fitness Trainer Services    169
GLOSSARY     178
NFPT Consultation Guidelines Appendix A
Charts and Tables    B
Master Food List   C
Professional Documents   D
Policies and Procedures   E
Index      204
PDF, 209 pages
8 mb
5.95 mb
6.41 mb

Study Guide to Accompany NFPT Personal Fitness Trainer Certification Manual, 
2nd edition, 2008
Developed around the NFPT 8-week college course, offered on campuses across the country, this guide allows you to independently prepare yourself for a complete understanding of the NFPT Study & Reference Manual in an 8-week period of time (moving at your own pace is encouraged which may alter this time frame.) This guide is complete with worksheets, detailed chapter summaries, program design scenarios, assessment forms and guidelines, 320 practice questions, and more!
PDF, 158 pages, 4.62 mb

Endurance Training Specialist Manual
When you think of aerobic instruction, you may think of classes full of overweight exercisers, bored housewives, and experimenting new fitness participants. Aerobic conditioning isn’t always choreography and dance, it’s a method of training used by serious athletes and fitness enthusiasts. In fact, 86% of all Americans looking to get into better cardio respiratory condition don't venture anywhere near aerobics rooms. NFPT has the inside-out education you need to consult effectively with clients wishing to use aerobics in their fitness program. NFPT teaches fundamental methodologies relating to aerobics and endurance that you can put immediately to work!
PDF, 76 pages, 850 kb

Resistance Training Specialist Manual
NFPT is the leader in advanced resistance training education and has been for over 20 years! You’ll receive research-based information and comprehensive explanations regarding NFPT fundamental methodologies and their effectiveness. Learn to give your clients an athletic "game like" training protocol. Traditional and non-traditional approaches will be presented for user-friendly methods that will demonstrate the power of resistance training for weight management and athletic conditioning.
Everyone from the competitive bodybuilder, professional athlete or overweight client will see results using your NFPT recommendations. GET RESULTS!
PDF, 144 pages, 730 kb

Fitness Nutrition Specialist Manual
This course offers insight regarding energy provision from the time foods enter into the digestive process to when they are delivered to body cells, and how this all relates to fitness and athletics. You’ll learn about digestion and internal chemical processes, energy provision and conversion, nutrient requirements, and the basic synergy that ties eating and fitness together. Never has the physiology of nutrition been taught to the fitness professional in a way that is more intriguing and comprehensive! 
PDF, 89 pages, 889 kb




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Principles of Functional Exercise for Professional Fitness Trainers, 1st Edition
By Charles Defrancesco, Dr. Robert Inesta
The purpose of this book is is to educate personal trainers on the basic principles of functional training. This manual covers the scientific facts that are essential to truly understanding how the body functions and how it responds to exercise. Our belief is that by providing the facts, we give the student the ability to think about how the body works rather than memorize body parts and exercises. After reading this manual, the next step is to attend movement seminars and program design lectures. A great trainer constantly educates themselves to separate from the rest.
Edition: First
Published: June 11, 2012 
ISBN: n/a
Language: English
Pages: 286
File Format: PDF
File Size: 6.92 MB




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HazelEyes, привет!

Спасибо за интересные книги, которые вы выкладываете.

У меня вопрос: вижу, что вы талантливый человек в разыскивании всякой спортивной литературы, вам не попадалась книга "Body of F.I.R.E.", автор Chad Waterbury?!

Я ее найти не могу нигде, даже за деньги...

Такое ощущение, что книги не существует, хотя она есть.





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Привет, Яна ,

Книга "Body of F.I.R.E." не попадалась в свободном доступе.

Предложение о продаже серии "Body of F.I.R.E." имеется на этом сайте http://www.dp-db.com/body-of-fire

(не уверена, работает ли, потому что ссылка сайта продукта на той странице не работает).


Ниже все, что имеется на данный момент из публикаций Chad Waterbury

(эти наименования мне не попались в результатах поиска по имени автора

http://forum.steelfa...ch&fromsearch=1 )

Если попадется что-то в будущем, занесу на форум.


Chad Waterbury - Body of F.I.R.E. Nutrition Guide


PDF, 24 pages, 198 kb




Chad Waterbury -Advanced Body of F.I.R.E Program


PDF, 69 pages, 12.1 mb




Chad Waterbury - Lift Strong - 3-6-9 Method


PDF, 10 pages, 59.1 kb





Chad-Waterbury -10x10 Transformation


PDF, 31 pages, 264 kb






Chad Waterbury - 5 Tricks to Burn Abdominal Fat


PDF, 18 pages, 906 kb



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Спасибо БОЛЬШОЕ! :)




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ARES Taping Guide Book
(ARES Kinesiology Tape Booklet)
Product Description
Product name: ARES Taping Guide Book
Product details: hundreds taping technique included as a high quality color-printed book
Total page number: 120 pages
Release Date: 2012
ISBN: n/a
ARES booklet English Edition 2012 is a hundred page compact sized handy guide book which contains around hundreds applications that covers most frequently used taping methods for daily living.  All images in this booklet are in high quality real color images which helps better understanding of each taping application.
Ares booklet covers general instructions on how to begin with ARES tape, physiological principle of Kinesiology taping, various applications which cover all body areas; neck, shoulder, upper arm, lower arm, hand, hip, thigh, knee, lower leg, back, trunk, ankle and foot.
Ares booklet includes taping methods with cover major orthopedic symptoms such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Achilles tendon problem, Shin splint, Tennis elbow/Golf elbow, Hallux Valgus, Frozen Shoulder, Flat foot, Intercostal Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Thumb Tendinitis and etc.


What is AresTape?
How it works
General Instructions

Section 1 Neck/Shoulder/Upper arm

  • Biceps
  • Front Neck Pain
  • General Shoulder
  • Lateral Neck Pain (Sternocleidomastoid)
  • Neck Stiffness
  • Neck & Shoulder 1
  • Neck & Shoulder 2
  • Posterior Neck Pain 1
  • Posterior Neck Pain 2
  • Posterior Upper Shoulder
  • Shoulder Contusion
  • Triceps Brachii
Section 2 Elbow/Lower Arm/Hand
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Finger Pain
  • General Wrist Pain
  • Inner Lower Arm
  • Lateral Elbow Pain 1 (Lateral Epicondyle)
  • Lateral Elbow Pain 2 (Lateral Epicondyle)
  • Medial Elbow Pain 1 (Medial Epicondyle)
  • Medial Elbow Pain 2 (Medial Epicondyle)
  • Outer Lower Arm 1
  • Outer Lower Arm 2
  • Thumb Pain
Section 3 Back/Trunk
  • Abdomen 1
  • Abdomen 2
  • Abdomen 3
  • Abdomen 4 (External Oblique)
  • Back & Shoulder Pain
  • Chest Pain 1
  • Chest Pain 2
  • Lower Back 1
  • Lower Back 2
  • Lower Back 3
  • Lower Back 4
  • Rib Pain 1 (Serratus Anterior)
  • Rib Pain 2 (Serratus Anterior)
  • Tail Bone
  • Upper Back 1 (Rhomboid)
  • Upper Back 2 (Latissimus dorsi)

Section 4 Hip/Thigh

  • Front Thigh 1 (Quadriceps)
  • Front Thigh 2 (Quadriceps)
  • Groin Pull
  • Hip 1 (Gluteus)
  • Hip 2 (Gluteus)
  • Hip Joint
  • Muscles of Thigh
  • Posterior Thigh 1(Hamstring)
  • Posterior Thigh 2 (Hamstring)
Section 5 Knee/Lower Leg
  • Achilles Tendon 1
  • Achilles Tendon 2
  • Achilles Tendon 3
  • Calf Pain
  • Knee Pain 1
  • Knee Pain 2
  • Knee Pain 3
  • Knee Pain 4
  • Knee Pain 5
  • Lateral Knee Pain
  • Medial Knee Pain
  • Patella Pain 1
  • Patella Pain 2
  • Shin Splint
Section 6 Ankle/Foot
  • Big Toe
  • Hallux Valgus
  • Lateral Ankle Sprain
  • Medial Ankle Sprain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Sole Pain 1
  • Sole Pain 2

Section 7 Clinical Taping
  • Bruise
  • Calf Cramp
  • Calf Swelling
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Flat Foot
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Indigestion
  • Intercostal Neuralgia
  • Rheumatism of Ankle
  • Rheumatism of Elbow
  • Rheumatism of Finger
  • Rheumatism of Knee
  • Rheumatism of Wrist
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Сообщение изменено: HazelEyes (02 апреля 2013 - 01:10)




  • Участник форума
  • Pip
  • 61 сообщений
  • Пол: Женщина
  • Город: Тюмень

Kinetic chain weight training, strength assessment, and functional performance testing with reference to sports and rehabilitation

Jesper Augustsson

Department of Orthopaedics
Institute of Surgical Sciences and
Rehabilitation Medicine
Institute of Clinical Neuroscience
The Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University
Göteborg, Sweden, 2003

ISBN 9162858521


The overall purpose of the studies was to obtain knowledge about physical performance in healthy individuals and patients after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Data are presented that concerns closed and open kinetic chain exercise, adaptive response to weight training, the methodology of muscle strength assessment, and the development of a functional testing protocol performed under conditions of fatigue.

Study I: The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of closed versus open kinetic chain weight training of the thigh muscles. Healthy subjects performed closed (n=12) and open (n=12) kinetic chain weight training twice a week for six weeks. Both groups increased in a barbell squat test, although the closed kinetic chain group improved more than the open kinetic chain group. The closed kinetic chain group improved their jumping ability, however, there was no difference across groups. Large improvements in isotonic strength in both groups did not transfer to an isokinetic knee-extension test.

Study II: The purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of closed and open kinetic chain strength tests to assess functional performance in 16 healthy male subjects. Moderately strong correlations were found between a barbell squat test, an isokinetic knee-extension test, and a vertical jump test. It is suggested that the effect of training or rehabilitation interventions should not be based exclusively on tests of muscular strength. Instead, various forms of dynamometry including
functional performance tests could be recommended.

Study III: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of “pre-exhaustion” exercise (knee-extension) on lower-extremity muscle activation during a leg press exercise. Seventeen healthy male subjects performed one set of a leg press exercise with and without pre-exhaustion. The electromyography activation of the vastus lateralis and the rectus femoris muscles was less when pre-exhausted. Our findings do not support the popular belief that performing pre-exhaustion exercise more effectively enhances muscle activity compared with regular weight training.

Study IV: A pre-exhaustion exercise protocol was combined with single-leg hop testing to improve the possibilities to evaluate the effects of training or rehabilitation interventions. High test-retest reliability was noted for 11 healthy male subjects performing non-fatigued and fatigued hop testing. Additionally, we investigated how fatigue influences lower-extremity joint kinematics and kinetics during single-leg hops. Absorbed power during landing was two to three times greater for the knee than for the hip and five to ten times greater for the knee than for the ankle across test conditions.

Study V: A new hop test, performed under conditions of fatigue, was investigated to determine functional deficits after ACL reconstruction. Although no patients (n=19) displayed abnormal hop symmetry when non-fatigued, two thirds showed abnormal hop symmetry for the fatigued hop
condition. It is concluded that a fatigue exercise protocol combined with the single-leg hop test improved testing sensitivity when evaluating lower-extremity function after ACL reconstruction.

Conclusions: Although strength measurements are important to monitor the effect of training and rehabilitation interventions, they cannot fully assess functional performance. Functional deficits after ACL reconstruction may become more apparent during conditions of fatigue. For a more comprehensive evaluation of lower-extremity function after ACL reconstruction, it is therefore suggested that functional testing should be performed under both non-fatigued and fatigued test conditions.


  • Abstract 6
  • List of papers 7
  • Abbreviations and definitions 8
  • Introduction 10
  • Weight training 10
  • Strength assessment 16
  • Closed and open kinetic chain 21
  • Functional performance testing 26
  • Rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction 28
  • Summary of problem areas presented in the introduction 32
  • Aims of the investigation 33
  • Subjects 34
  • Ethics 36
  • Methods 37
  • Statistical methods 42
  • Summary of the papers 44
  • Discussion 52
  • Kinetic chain weight training and strength assessment (Studies I, II and III) 52
  • Functional performance testing (Studies IV and V) 55
  • Limitations 57
  • Conclusions 58
  • Clinical relevance 60
  • The future 61
  • Abstract in Swedish 62
  • Acknowledgements 64
  • References 66
  • Papers I-V 75−

PDF, 122 pages, 5.23 mb



Сообщение изменено: HazelEyes (02 апреля 2013 - 09:47)




  • Участник форума
  • Pip
  • 61 сообщений
  • Пол: Женщина
  • Город: Тюмень
Corrective Exercise: A Practical Approach
By Kesh Patel
    * Publisher:   Hodder Arnold
    * Number Of Pages:   288
    * Publication Date:   2005-09-30
    * ISBN-10 / ASIN:   0340889322
    * ISBN-13 / EAN:   9780340889329
Corrective and functional exercise is a rapidly advancing field. Exercise is an essential factor in all injury recovery, conditioning and performance, and if used correctly can play a preventative role in injury management. In the injured athlete, gym user or armchair athlete, corrective exercise can help to restore range of motion, re-build strength, endurance and power, re-establish neuromuscular control and balance, and provide positive progress for a specific sport or a healthier lifestyle. Written by an experienced specialist in the field of rehabilitative and performance exercise, this book provides an essential practical guide to corrective and functional exercise for every sports therapist and fitness trainer, particularly those taking diplomas or NVQs at level 3. Packed with photos and illustrations, and full of accessible step-by-step explanations of the latest rehabilitative methods, every corrective and functional technique is covered in detail, from initial consultation to whole body exercises.

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  • Участник форума
  • Pip
  • 61 сообщений
  • Пол: Женщина
  • Город: Тюмень
Men's Health Fat-Burning Manual (#3)




Notice the changes without noticing the change

You've finally made the decision to banish your belly for good, but what do you do next? Well, get your hands on this manual, for a start, and we'll show you how to use quick and easy lifestyle tweaks to embark on the road towards a flab-free existence.

Here at MH we don't believe in fad diets. In fact, we don't do dieting full stop. Instead, we believe in eating the right food to fuel the most effective fat-burning workouts and exercises. This way you'll manage to shift the fat for good – and build up muscle to boot.

Within this manual you'll find:

• Tips to get yourself started 
• Nutrition advice and daily eating plans 
• Cardio workouts to maximise fat loss 
• The science of weight loss 
• Gut-busting weights exercises and circuits 
• Advice to achieve long-term success


Single Issue Magazine

ASIN: B00759A0C2


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