Потрясающая серия статей от Доктора Фунга:
Исследование Керндта.
In 1982, Kerndt et al published a study of a single patient who decided to undergo a 40 day fast for religious purposes. They measure numerous metabolic indices over that forty days to see what happened. There is a wealth of data here, but several notable things. Blood pressure slightly decreased. Glucose goes down. From 96 initially, it drops to 56. Insulin goes way, way down. Starting at 13.5, it quickly drops to 2.91 and stays down. That is almost an 80% drop!
Гормон роста у голодающего
But our concern here is HGH. It starts at 0.73 and peaks at 9.86. That is a 1250% increase in growth hormone. Even with a relatively short 5 day fast, we are talking about 300% increase. All this HGH increases without drugs.
What about the potential side effects? Increased glucose? Nope. Increased blood pressure? Nope. Higher risk of cancer? Nope.