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Билл Перл / Bill Pearl
Автор темы:
, дек 28 2003 01:07
Отправлено 30 марта 2010 - 08:38
ничего удивительного и отвергая стероиды он наоборот привлекал к себе внимание как атлет натурал и желание известности и скорейших результатов и соблазнило его заняться этим. Да и не факт что он был вегетарианцем и говорить можно многое и строить образ такого качка, а питаться полноценно всей пищей. Создание мифов не такая и редкость.
Отправлено 16 марта 2012 - 04:14
Life in Venice was sweet today as I got the chance to meet living Legend and super nice guy Bill Pearl for the first time.
I owe this one to Charles Glass as he approached me this morning during my workout all excited (and it takes a lot to get Charles like that, LOL) telling me to grab my camera as Bill Pearl had entered Gold's Venice.
Bill came in with a few of his friends (who own Life Fitness and Hammer Strength equipment) to check out the scene. They later on told me that they were here for the IHRSA (International Health, Racquet and Sportclub Association) at the LA Convention Center this coming weekend, they even invited me to go check out the expo and put me on their guest list.
Bill looked great and still has a lot of size, he looks very healthy, makes me feel better about getting older when I see people like him, LOL.
Anyway, I got to take a couple of pics for you guys including a pic of Bill on the wall of Gold's in his Hay day.
Thanks a lot Charles, I owe you one.
I asked Bill's people if it would be possible to have him on the couch for a MBTV interview so cross your fingers for me people. That would be awesome to get him.
Life in Venice was sweet today as I got the chance to meet living Legend and super nice guy Bill Pearl for the first time.
I owe this one to Charles Glass as he approached me this morning during my workout all excited (and it takes a lot to get Charles like that, LOL) telling me to grab my camera as Bill Pearl had entered Gold's Venice.
Bill came in with a few of his friends (who own Life Fitness and Hammer Strength equipment) to check out the scene. They later on told me that they were here for the IHRSA (International Health, Racquet and Sportclub Association) at the LA Convention Center this coming weekend, they even invited me to go check out the expo and put me on their guest list.
Bill looked great and still has a lot of size, he looks very healthy, makes me feel better about getting older when I see people like him, LOL.
Anyway, I got to take a couple of pics for you guys including a pic of Bill on the wall of Gold's in his Hay day.
Thanks a lot Charles, I owe you one.
I asked Bill's people if it would be possible to have him on the couch for a MBTV interview so cross your fingers for me people. That would be awesome to get him.
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