A good friend and a well respected national level bodybuilder died last night Charles Durr. He left behind a loving mother & 2 sisters, he's from a very competitive family, helping his nephews, the Williams Brothers (with
diet and exercise) who went to the Olympics this year for wrestling out of Iowa, and 8 time Midland National Champion.
He died from a enlarged heart as far as I heard from his family today. He won the 1999 North American Lt Hvywt (Troy Alves can in 3rd to Charles in that show).
He also won the Mr. USA 1999 I believe (losing the overall i think to Mike M.) he lived and breathed bodybuilding.
He was always willing to help others with free extensive diet, training, posing advise (Helped a fellow friend win the 2002 Teenage middleweight championship in Pitts. Vitalie B. who before Charles guidance could not win a teenage state title). and many other athelete's from all sports including Shonie Carter 3 time UFC fighting champion.
One of Illinois most respected bodybuilders died at 43
Вчера возрасте 43-х лет скончался
Charles Durr (проблемы с серцем)
его достижения;
USA Championships - NPC, MiddleWeight did not place
North American Championships - IFBB, MiddleWeight, 5th
USA Championships - NPC, MiddleWeight, 1st
Nationals - NPC, Light-HeavyWeight, 5th
Team Universe Championships - NPC, MiddleWeight, 3rd
World Championships - NABBA, Short, 5th
Nationals - NPC, Light-HeavyWeight, 12th
North American Championships - IFBB, Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
North American Championships - IFBB, Light-HeavyWeight, 12th
кстати он в 1999 году на North American Championships - IFBB обошол
ныне популярного
Troy Alvesа
Сообщение изменено: koelner (10 апреля 2009 - 10:58)