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Рег Парк / Reg Park
Отправлено 11 ноября 2007 - 03:45
http://regpark.net/i...ntpage&Itemid=1Message from the Park Family - 9 November 2007
The Park Family is sad to inform you that Reg has been in ICU over the past week and that Reg will be taken home today. There is nothing further that can be done for him there and we want him to be comfortable and surrounded by his family and friends. This is a very difficult time but we would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all who have been calling and sending messages of love, good wishes, and prayers over the past months. Reg certainly has the ability to bring out the best in everybody who comes into his sphere. This has been evident over the last months with the many medics that have been attending to Reg, whose spirits are instantly lifted when they are around him.
We thank you all and will keep you posted, but Reg’s time is short. Please use Reg's Guestbook
Сообщение изменено: koelner (11 ноября 2007 - 03:47)
Отправлено 22 ноября 2007 - 11:27
It is with great sadness that we have to inform Reg Park’s friends, fans and supporters around the world that Reg passed away this morning, 22 November 2007.
Reg’s remaining time with us was spent with great dignity surrounded by a sea of love and good wishes from around the globe. He expressed his most sincere thanks and love to all who supported and loved him throughout his life. Reg and his family also wished to thank everybody who sent so many beautiful messages of support throughout his illness.
The Legend will continue to live in our hearts and our souls.
The memorial will take place on Sunday afternoon at 16:30, 25 November 2007. Please post all your messages via Reg's Guestbook
With Love and gratitude from the Park Family,
Сообщение изменено: Brabus (22 ноября 2007 - 11:33)
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