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Шон Рэй / Shawn Ray

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Сообщение изменено: Михайлов Саша (08 марта 2014 - 02:04)




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Davno pora




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Пойду застрелюсь..... Это же мой любимый билдер. В девичьих мечтах, я такая красивая походила мимо него и он от восхищения ронял штангу и нёсся ко мне на крыльях любви ну и так далее.....




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Молодец ,что женился ,а то было бы позно.
А на ком женился та?




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Ну нравится он мне , считаю его самым обаятельным)




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Молодец ,что женился ,а то было бы позно.

Tu nashchet steroidov?




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Пойду застрелюсь..... Это же мой любимый билдер. В девичьих мечтах, я такая красивая походила мимо него и он от восхищения ронял штангу и нёсся ко мне на крыльях любви ну и так далее.....

daaa. no tu sil'no ne perezgivay mozgno drugogo lyubimogo bodybildera naiti ..




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именно об этом ты и подумал.У меня возникает вопрос. Столько лет на Олимпии и как он вообще еще о женщинах думает.



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Another good man gone




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wedding6.jpg wedding10.jpg ray02.jpg Vot ego fotki so svad'bu


Сообщение изменено: Михайлов Саша (08 марта 2014 - 02:08)



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Как думает? Головой и думает. Думать-то он ещё могёт, наверное...




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Bednyazgka ona...

Дядя Шура

Дядя Шура


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Если кто не знает один из самых пративных и наглых людей в мире профессионалов это именно Шон. Он там у себя на форуме начал некоторые слухи обвиняя Чада Николсa во всех грехах вселенной.
Ну короче вот Чада очень конкретный ответ этому тормозу.


Те кто рубято по-английски оценят Чад ему наконец-то высказал всё что о нём думает.

Shawn thought he would try to bullshit his way out of my response to his remarks - however, the problem is I know his friends and his white lies. Dan told me the whole story about you, cars, the Lambourghini - so if your story makes you feel better, Shawn, you believe it. I'm not gonna pull Dan in the middle of this because he is actually a decent person.

Now, the Arkansas seminar. You are flat out a liar. Dan was actually pissed and expressed how pissed he was over this whole deal to Don Youngblood and Don's friend Roger. You told Dan that he HAD to pay your fee - so don't try to play it off like he wanted to bring you in and pay you a thousand dollars to hang out with him. Secondly, I had nothing to do with Jeff's decision not to use you. If you are such a damn good businessman - why didn't you have a contract anyway? That doesn't make much sense does it? Oh, by the way, the reason Jeff didn't want to use you is because he had Don Youngblood posing and he didn't feel that you would add anything extra to the show that was worth $1,000.00 - he was just being a smart businessman and trying to save some money. I'm sure you can understand that, right?

Now, let's talk about the whole drug issue that you keep digging up and blaming me for everyone's health problems - oh by the way, you weren't the only person around '98 that had "problems" - who is it that you visit regularly in jail? Oh, did I say that? You started this so deal with it.

Now onto the issue. . .You referred to Flex Wheeler and tried to blame a condition he has had since the age of 21 - I actually have his health records if you would like to see those - wonder how I caused him problems at the age of 21? Paul - what problem did Paul have? Other than the problem with the insulin and you will blame that on me? Good Lord Shawn, grow up - Paul was a grown man - it's not my fault that he took insulin and then refused to eat - knowing what would happen if he didn't. By the way - there's another athlete that should've beaten you in '97 and those same judges that you complain about all the time, move you ahead of him. As far as I know, Paul's health is just fine - and plan's on competing this year - so if you plan on competing and Paul does his homework, there's another spot you could move back. Now onto Don Youngblood, who is another name you threw out there. Let's see, Don and I began working together and 2 years later, he becomes the Masters Olympia Champion - but I forgot that's a bad thing, right? Don's problem is he tore a triceps tendon during a photo shoot and had surgery - that would be a tall stretch even for you, Shawn, to try to blame that on me.

Now, Nasser, I'm not really sure what you are trying to imply there - I haven't worked with Nasser for years. So, if you are speaking about the rear delts - you can't blame that on me - that happened way after I stopped working with him. The truth is, when Nasser and I did work together, he basically beat you every time. It was after we stopped working together that he stopped placing well - so you do the math on that one.

Tom's problem is something completely different and was very honest when talking about his problem and the majority of his problem was from excessive use of advil, but I'm sure you think that's my fault too.

By the way, I'm not stabbing Gunter in the back - so I don't know where you get that info from. Gunter and I are still friends, he's posing at my show in July. I notice you didn't bring up him - let's see we took him from 15th to 5th at the Olympia, then went on to win the GNC pro. HMMMMM - all in one year. As far as me not working with him again - it's basically a two sided story. I was promised certain things when I got him to this point and it didn't pan out - he decided to go a different route - no big deal - I wish him all the best. I think he's a great guy and I think he's gonna do well at the Olympia this year.

Now onto the Kevin Levrone issue. First of all - it wasn't Kevin that started everything - it was YOU - and you basically pawned it off on Kevin. YOU were the one who called Wayne and Jim complaining about plasma expanders - and I know it was YOU because they told me exactly that it was you! So, you are either going to call me a liar on this or Wayne and Jim liars on this. Again, here you are running your mouth about things you knew nothing about - none of the guys (at least my guys) were using these, but you who knows it all had all the info - right? And this black bag shit - grow up - when have you ever seen me with a black Dr. Bag - oh, yes, I know it's easy to confuse a fanny pack with a Dr. Bag - give me a break! Although, the Dr. Bag does sound kind of cool - unfortunately I don't have one. Then you called Milos and Kevin spewing your bullshit and pulled them into the whole thing. The truth was, you thought this was your opportunity to get Ronnie, Flex and Chris and Nasser out of the show - because you knew you couldn't beat them.

Now as far as Levrone whacking me - If I recall right, and I do, I was the one who confronted Kevin. Kevin then blamed the whole deal on Wayne. So, there was no "whacking" going on period. Later on, I actually felt bad about going off on Kevin, after finding out he wasn't the one starting the trouble. Kevin and I have since made ammends and get along fine - you on the other hand were the one who should've had his ass beaten.

So, now let's talk about Shawn Ray the person. All my problems from '98 stem from YOU! Let me see 5 calls to Crime Stoppers, 2 of them mentioning plasma expanders and they all came from Placentia, CA - you figure that out?! I'm sure you had NOTHING to do with that! The funny thing is - here again you go on in your e-mail you spew again about what supposedly happened with that whole scenario. Actually nothing happened - It cost me a little money - but everything is gone - nothing ever came of it - because they couldn't prove anything. If you don't do anything wrong - you don't have anything to worry about.

It takes a pretty insecure person to go as far as to call Crime Stoppers just to eliminate competition. Do you know who this person is??? Shawn, do you know anyone who lived in the Placentia area around the time of 1998? Maybe you can help me out on this one - maybe you can call Crime Stoppers again and give them a tip on who might have given them false information.

So, there's the truth side of everything - I'm sure you can spin that into your web of lies. --And, I'm sure that some will actually buy your bit of rambling bullshit. Trust me, you can talk all the bullshit you want about me, and I've heard all of it. In this sport, you can't say anything without it getting right back to the person.

By the way, you attack me saying that I'm so quick to rebut everytime someone says something about me. No - just you because, Shawn, what have I ever said about you that wasn't prompted from you first, NOTHING - you started this whole thing back in 1998 and here it is 5 years later and your mouth is still running - replaying the same crap that you rambled about in 1998 - that's kind of strange that you are that obsessed with this whole thing. You say that I'm not on your mind, yet every chance you have to say somehting about me - you say it. The truth is any type of controversial bullshit scenario you can throw out there keeps you in the public eye - and it's true. Hate you or love you - as long as you are talking shit, people listen. Anyone that truly knows me knows that I don't bullshit, I tell it exactly like it is - don't sugar coat things - so like me or not - at least respect that I tell the truth. You on the other hand, never tell the truth - or at least you tell Shawn's truth - whatever will make you feel better.

The other funny thing is, I'm kind of curious, you speak of all these "drug gurus" in the sport hurting the sport, yet your buddy and new training partner, Milos is very honest and open about being one of these "gurus" - so let's not play favorites here - either we are all good or all bad - which is it, Shawn. And before you try to turn this into a problem between Milos and I - don't even think about - I like Milos - he comes to the board quite often and even though we have different views on some things, he is one of the few straight forward guys in the sport.

There you have it - I shouldn't even have responded to this because I know that's what he wanted - so he can keep his name out there and keep people thinking about him, but sometimes you just have to clear things up and put the truth out there whether people want to believe it or not.


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Да, я тоже слушал ,что ШОН любит по скандалить.
Помню как он утверждал мол у Флекса икры силиконовые исследования же это не поттвердили.
Много споров возникает и по поводу судейства на Олимпии.



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Дядя Шура перестань подсовывать материалы которые давно уже все читали




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Роман, я лично не читал

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Дядя Шура перестань подсовывать материалы которые давно уже все читали

Может мне вообще уйти ? Бля пытаюсь как лучше.
и интересно как все его могли читать если его Чад повесил только сегодня.




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если тебе не понравилась эта тема разгавора не обезательно обвинять человека в том ,что он что-то подсунул.




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Грызутся и поливают гразю один другого как бабы базарные...

Лучше бы он ему пошёл морду набил, вот это по мужски..




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Грызутся и поливают гразю один другого как бабы базарные...

Лучше бы он ему пошёл морду набил, вот это по мужски..

Пошутил я ...

Теперь как я думаю последует ответ от Рея..


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Тогда не нужно вырывать из контекста Вот был первый комментарий Чада

Anyone who knows me knows that I could give a shit about what people think about me - especially a "has been" like Shawn Ray. Am I one of Shawn's favorite people - I hope not - I would be doing something wrong if I were. The reason I'm not is very simple - Chris Cormier was placing behind Shawn until he began working with me, Ronnie Coleman, the same and I could on and on with the list. The truth is Shawn's physique hasn't progressed in the last 10 years - and if anything has gone backwards - while everyone else continues to move forward. So as Shawn continues to get worse - let's blame drugs on everyone else's forward progress. That's it - they all have drug gurus that help them - they never train or diet their asses off. And let's don't forget Shawn Ray is a drug free body builder, right? If we were basing his forward progress - or lack of on this, one could probably easily argue that he was drug free.

Now, let's address the drug guru issue - are there drugs in the sport of body building - YES. So, should athletes go into this sport blindly, just pumping themselves full of shit - not knowing what they are doing or what they are putting into their bodies? -NO! However, obviously there are those idiots out there doing that, but people that have any type of common sense look for advice, guidance and knowledge so they can do things as safely as possible.

This is Shawn's last ditch effort to try to stay in the sport. He's f**ked over so many people within the sport that no one is willing to come to his rescue anymore.

Shawn has many issues he needs to deal with - especially when it comes to trying to keep up with his image of living like a superstar. I'll give you a couple scenarios about the type of person Shawn Ray is. He got the Lambourghini from a friend in Arkansas and kept it for only a few months, as he could only put a few miles on it and obviously couldn't afford it - he wanted to make everyone believe that's the lifestyle he lives. It takes a very shallow person to NEED to do something like that. That same friend got Shawn the Lambourghini set up for him to guest pose at the Arkansas State. Now, remember, this is a FRIEND. The promoter didn't come to an agreement with Shawn, so the promoter decided not to use him. Shawn told his friend that he HAD to fly him into Arkansas and pay him his appearance fee - the friend had to pay - not the promoter! Shawn went to the show, was there maybe 30 minutes, then wanted to go watch a fight on TV. That's the type of person he is - out for Shawn.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have never hidden my feelings about Shawn Ray. I think he is a piece of shit. And, I personally think he has a HUGE problem with the sport - he has made a living from the sport, but constantly has bashed and bashed everyone within the sport - from judges to officials to athletes - and yes, even insignifcant trainers - and always when confronted with it spews verses of how he was misquoted or misinterpreted - blah, blah, blah. The truth is the Shawn Ray Schtick is over and people are growing tired - his time has come and gone. As with all athletes, I know he has his die hard fans, but they are few and far between because one steady trait Shawn has is that he burns every bridge he crosses.

So, go ahead Shawn and take your best shot - I can live with myself, my life and what I have done - can you?

Shawn's track record speaks for itself. He's placed in the top 5 of the Mr. Olympia probably more than anyone, but to say he would place there this year, is a bet I wouldn't want to make - that's if he even competes. I bet there is a good chance he doesn't even compete this year, maybe for the simple fact that deep down he knows he can't make the top 5 and I feel he has too big an ego to risk placing out of the top 5.



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Такой вот последовал от Шона

Funny how Chad thinks I am talking about him all the time when in actuality I am responding to what people are asking me about the guys falling by the way side with all kinds of problems from drug use. They just happen to be working with Chad, so the fans ask me what's the deal knowing I'll have an opinion, right or wrong.

Let me address a couple issues Chad chose to toss out of his butt!

1) My Lamborgini, which I paid for with a check and had for 6 months, was my dream car! My friend owned the dealership and got me into the car and out of the car without losing a penny, based on how many miles I could put on it. He also helped get me into and out of a BMW 535, Lotus Esprite 4, Tahoe Sport, Harley Davidson Motor Cycle, Corvette, Chev Tahoe XLT to name a few! He is a CAR DEALER and I buy and Sell Cars through him not to "Front" but because I like Cars. Hello Chad? Dont hate the Player, hate the GAME!
It is simple mathematics, I am not into losing money on cars and Dan is the BEST when it comes to car deals!
I sold the Diablo back to Dan, who made a handsome profit when he re-sold it again! That being said, I purchased a 2 bedroom Townhouse in Vegas with the money I received from the car, hello? MC Fly!

If Chad knows anything about me he know's I am ALL business! Not only was I able to tool around town in my dream car but I was now the proud owner of a 3rd home in Las Vegas! See: "Shawn Ray~Inside & Out Video".

Chad doesn't know me, so he goes on what he hears about me like the rest of his board members, so I thought I would respond to his post to give him some insight.

My last Olympia I placed 4th, boy my career looks like it is going down hill right?


Chad's boy Cormier has competed in what? 8 Mr. Olympia? He has beaten me 1 time! ONCE! That was 4 years ago in 1999! Same with Gunther, ONCE!
I dont have to brag about that, we all have taken turns beating eachother not because one is better than the other but it is the way it is judging wise.
I certainly dont go to the Mr. Olympia thinking I am competing against the other athlete's and "CHAD!"

As much as he'd like to think. Chad your about as important to the sport as Dr. Kevorkian is to a new born baby! I respond to the fans and their questions.
I have no agenda but certainly you'd have to be Stevie Wonder if you didn't notice that the guys Chad works with eventually become progressively less impressive and more likely to be on the DEAD POOL list than others.

Wheeler, Nasser, Dillett, Prince, Long, Youngblood
These are a few minor examples of guys who were promising and now you can draw your own conclusions.
I make an observation about Chad and he tries to attack my car and friendship with my boy,

"Things that make you go.....Hhhhhmmmmmmmmm"

I love the way Chad spun this one:

The Arkansas Classic was not a show I wanted to attend, the promoter agreed to a Seminar for $1,000.00 but at the last minute decided, probably with Chad's influence since he was the Head judge and District Chairman at the time, that he did not want to hold one without ever conversing with me?

Dan eagerly wanted me to attend, I told him I travel for "business" which he understood and I see contests all the time.

The Tyson fight was the same weekend and I was planning on going to Memphis if I could to see it!
Long story short, Dan felt bad the promoter pulled out and cost me money.

Since I had a plane ticket already and Dan set this whole thing up, he would pay the fee because he felt responsible for for the promoter pulling a fast one without the contract only Dan's word but we could still see the fight at his house. I accepted.

Dan and I go back to 1994 as friends, Chad and I have never been friends, even though I guest posed for his show weeks after taking 2nd in the 96 Olympia!
Now, as for Chad being on my mind? Sorry to bust your bubble bro.

As for issues related to my profession, I look at what is happening to the athletes and can't help but think Chad has played a very important role in his dealing with these guys, as his Black Bag and no name products he gives these guys are certainly aiding and abetting these health related issues.

Since when did you see Chad training Chris, Ronnie, Nasser, Flex or Gunther? Never.


Nutritional Advisor suddenly sounds more appealing when these guys get sick and have kidney, liver and God knows what other kinds of problems.

Dont shoot the messanger, I have always called I like I see it. I wasn't the one who got busted for Steroids in 98' you were, oops did I say that?

Chad you are what you are, maybe it just hurts to see what you are in print A DRUG GURU without a license to practice.

I never said I was drug free, you implied that but then again you have inplied alot of things unfortunately you see things your way and I see them mine. Didn't kevin Levrone almost wack you in 98' because of your involvement with the other guys?






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За этим ответом уж только следует тот кторый опубликовал Дядя Шура в самом начале



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Своё слово вставил Милош Сарцев

Can I add oil on the fire?
As I am carb depleted and originally from Yugoslavia (speak no English kind of thing) don’t go after my spell check…
I would just like to add some arimidex to all this testosterone talk.
I respect people that tell it like it is and both Chad and Shawn seem that way.
There is nothing wrong with opinionated people (I am certainly one of them) and there is OK to have different opinion.
However in civilized World difference in opinions could be elaborated by numerous parties and hopefully by the end of discussion some conclusions could be drawn.
Shawn respectfully made a comment that Chad is indeed great nutritional advisor that made many champions. He said – he is good in what he does.
On the other side Shawn has right to express his opinion on progress/current condition/health concerns of athletes that work with Chad.
Chad could respond with his comment.
I completely agree with Chad in one thing – it is much better to guide some people how to create their cycles than let them figure out for themselves.
Certainly whoever chooses this path has to consider risk involved –ALWAYS!
So Shawn’s observation that Flex, Don Long and TP all worked with Chad and all have kidney damage is his right to speculate, even though it could be total coincidence.
On another hand many people in Industry constantly talk trash about Shawn.
He is accused as selfish, self-centered and someone who worries about himself !
Who doesn’t? If you don’t love yourself how can you love others?
And who should be his first priority- his neighbor?
But if you think for a second –who was he fighting for when he asked IFBB to give money to Olympia competitors that finish out of top 10? Was he doing this for selfish reasons (he managed to be in top 5 for 13 years)!? No, he was doing for others that don’t!
He had no problem calling out judges just two days before judging – is he spineless brown nose trying to hug every judge, call them personally and bring them Don Perignon? Don’t think so.
He even went to extend to GIVE personal money and ask others (Dennis, etc) to donate up to $25000.00 for guys that attack him the most.
He organizes Muscle Camps giving many of the Pro’s opportunity to travel, make money etc –at his own risk!
He is businessman and certainly wants to make money. Who doesn’t?
So why is so wrong if he offers his video, photo (or a pink underwear?) to potential buyer? His job is to offer and try to sell, and buyer’s job is to say YES or NO!
Personally, I’ve seen him GIVE hundreds (HUNDREDS) of photos, posters, videos to many fans, school kids, members of my gym…
I had seen him giving free seminars in the local high schools, talking and showing exercises to many fans, helping just about every amateur competitor in Orange County with posing, dieting and training questions.
Finally, his house was (and still is) open to many pros/amateurs. He is great host and when someone comes to town – he calls them, takes them around and gives them hospitality. So, as I firsthandadly experienced it I can tell you that, not to try to change your mind but to give you different perspective.



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Опять слово Шону Рэю всё в хронологическом порядке

Funny how Chad gets all his facts mixed up and defensive when someone calls him what he is, "A DRUG GURU" then wants to shade everything by explaining his side of the story.
What Story? The question from a fan was" Is Chad good for the sport?"
Chad's response to me by calling him what he is was:
Shawn's ripped off his friend.
Shawn sold his Lamborgini
Shawn is out for himself.
Shawn is finished (after placing 4th in my last Olympia.)
Shawn is a punk.
Shawn has a big mouth.
Shawn, Shawn,Shawn, Shawn, Shawn , Shawn,Shawn, Shawn............
I wonder who is on who's mind around here?
Last time I checked, my original posat was on "MY" web site from one of "My" fans?
How'd we end up over here....."HHHhhhmmm....Chad?
Chad can't control that, so he runs here to spew his side of the story?
I didn't know that athletes with failing help that worked with Chad needed to be defended if he had nothing to do with it?
As my post relate to my profession, Chad has a name in this industry but we are soon learning that it ain't a good one, as it pertains to health.
I on the other hand, am selfish.
I do things for me.
I look after My friends and family.
I, I, I, I , I , I , I........
I wonder when the last time Chad didn't have his hand out after helping these guys out for a show?
Does he work for free?
Anyway, it is all High School and good fun when you know your telling the truth and the other guy runs to other boards to spew his side of the "Story".
However, there is no other side.
Fact is:
Tom Prince, Flex Wheeler, Paul Dillett, Nasse El Sonbody, Don Long and I am sure a few others, are no longer what they were after working with Chad. Sure he has Ronnie, but is he what he once was or is he better now after Chad worked his magic?
You guys can decide, Chad is what he is and I am still a profesional bodybuilder in good health answering the call when the bell rings.



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А это уже слова Тома Принца который всё таки насолил Шону Рэю

Ah, the good old days of bodybuilding. This is a "back in the day" story, that has become bodybuilding urban legend. But it is a true story.

So, to the best of my memory from 6 months ago when Greg retold this story to Bob Cicherillo and myself while having lunch at the Firehouse:

10-12 years ago, it's been so long, Greg couldn't remember exactly which year, Greg Reed was using a bench in the 3rd room of the Venice Gold's. Shawn Ray comes over and demands to use this bench, and tries to kick Greg off the bench, using an excuse of, "Well, I've got a show coming up, so my training is more of a priority". Shawn proceeds to try and take the bench from Greg.

One punch, and Shawn Ray flat on his back later, 250 pound Greg decided that Shawn's show just wasn't all that important.

"By the time I got home 2 hours later, I had 20 phone messages thanking me for knocking the punk out", Greg told us.

And thus, the nickname, Greg "the hammer" Reed, was born.

The moral of the story? 13 top 5 Mr. O's and pretty symmetry don't back up your mouth very well in the real world.



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Дядя Шура , а кто вообще этот Чад Николс, которого ты так часто цитируешь?

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Кстати, кач, как твой прогресс? Ягодичные не ноют?

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