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Тьерри Пастель / Thierry Pastel
Автор темы:
, апр 22 2010 03:24
Отправлено 22 апреля 2010 - 03:24

World Championships WABBA 84, Winner
World Championships - WABBA Professional 85, 4th
Universe 86- ProNABBA 4th
World Championships 87- WABBA Professional, 1st
Grand Prix England 89- IFBB, 5th
Grand Prix France 89- IFBB, 5th
Grand Prix Germany 89- IFBB, 7th
Grand Prix Holland 89- IFBB, 8th
Grand Prix Spain 89- IFBB, 7th
Grand Prix Spain 89- IFBB, 7th
Grand Prix Sweden 89- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix France 90- IFBB, 3rd
Grand Prix Holland 90- IFBB, Winner
Night of Champions 90- IFBB, 9th
Arnold Classic 91- IFBB, 5th
Grand Prix Denmark 91- IFBB, 4th
Grand Prix England 91- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix Finland 91- IFBB, 3rd
Grand Prix Italy 91- IFBB, 4th
Grand Prix Spain 91- IFBB, 4th
Grand Prix Switzerland 91- IFBB, 3rd
Ironman Pro Invitational 91- IFBB, 4th
Musclefest Grand Prix 91- IFBB, 2nd
Night of Champions 91- IFBB, 4th
Olympia 91- IFBB, 8th
Pittsburgh Pro Invitational 91- IFBB, 3rd
Arnold Classic 92- IFBB, 6th
Chicago Pro Invitational 92- IFBB, 2nd
Grand Prix England 92- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix Germany 92- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix Holland 92- IFBB, 3rd
Grand Prix Italy 92- IFBB, 6th
Ironman Pro Invitational 92- IFBB, 4th
Night of Champions 92- IFBB, 4th
Olympia 92- IFBB, 10th
Pittsburgh Pro Invitational 92- IFBB, 3rd
Arnold Classic 93- IFBB, 13th
Chicago Pro Invitational 93- IFBB, 11th
Grand Prix France 93 - IFBB, 2nd
Grand Prix France 93- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix Germany 93- IFBB, 11th
Ironman Pro Invitational 93- IFBB, 12th
Pittsburgh Pro Invitational 93- IFBB, 10th
Arnold Classic 94- IFBB, 11th
Grand Prix France 94 - IFBB, 4th
Grand Prix France 94 - IFBB, 6th
Night of Champions 94 - IFBB, 11th
Olympia 94 - IFBB, 14th
Grand Prix France 95- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix Ukraine 95- IFBB, 6th
World Championships - WABBA Professional 85, 4th
Universe 86- ProNABBA 4th
World Championships 87- WABBA Professional, 1st
Grand Prix England 89- IFBB, 5th
Grand Prix France 89- IFBB, 5th
Grand Prix Germany 89- IFBB, 7th
Grand Prix Holland 89- IFBB, 8th
Grand Prix Spain 89- IFBB, 7th
Grand Prix Spain 89- IFBB, 7th
Grand Prix Sweden 89- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix France 90- IFBB, 3rd
Grand Prix Holland 90- IFBB, Winner
Night of Champions 90- IFBB, 9th
Arnold Classic 91- IFBB, 5th
Grand Prix Denmark 91- IFBB, 4th
Grand Prix England 91- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix Finland 91- IFBB, 3rd
Grand Prix Italy 91- IFBB, 4th
Grand Prix Spain 91- IFBB, 4th
Grand Prix Switzerland 91- IFBB, 3rd
Ironman Pro Invitational 91- IFBB, 4th
Musclefest Grand Prix 91- IFBB, 2nd
Night of Champions 91- IFBB, 4th
Olympia 91- IFBB, 8th
Pittsburgh Pro Invitational 91- IFBB, 3rd
Arnold Classic 92- IFBB, 6th
Chicago Pro Invitational 92- IFBB, 2nd
Grand Prix England 92- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix Germany 92- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix Holland 92- IFBB, 3rd
Grand Prix Italy 92- IFBB, 6th
Ironman Pro Invitational 92- IFBB, 4th
Night of Champions 92- IFBB, 4th
Olympia 92- IFBB, 10th
Pittsburgh Pro Invitational 92- IFBB, 3rd
Arnold Classic 93- IFBB, 13th
Chicago Pro Invitational 93- IFBB, 11th
Grand Prix France 93 - IFBB, 2nd
Grand Prix France 93- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix Germany 93- IFBB, 11th
Ironman Pro Invitational 93- IFBB, 12th
Pittsburgh Pro Invitational 93- IFBB, 10th
Arnold Classic 94- IFBB, 11th
Grand Prix France 94 - IFBB, 4th
Grand Prix France 94 - IFBB, 6th
Night of Champions 94 - IFBB, 11th
Olympia 94 - IFBB, 14th
Grand Prix France 95- IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix Ukraine 95- IFBB, 6th
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