Кто не был на его сайте, советую заглянуть!
Сообщение изменено: -VADOS- (06 ноября 2013 - 05:41)
Кто не был на его сайте, советую заглянуть!
Сообщение изменено: -VADOS- (06 ноября 2013 - 05:41)
There are a number of competitors that are upset at your entering the show after the deadline?
What do you want me to say to that? It happens almost at every show. If you recall, Kevin Levrone asked to go back into the Olympia two weeks before the show, and he got in. I don't know why the competitors are bitching and griping about it, it happens in every show. How many times have you seen Chris Cormier come into a show late? Man, there are a lot of crybabies out there. But I heard that this was going to happen with some people, and it did. You know, when I was coming up, I wanted to be compared to the best. You didn't see me gripe about when Chris jumped into show at the last minute or any other bodybuilder who did that. What if Chris Cormier wants to do the Ironman? What if Jay Cutler wants to jump in? Do you not let them? What if all the top guys want to do every show throughout the year?
Flex and I were going to be working together on things that I feel that I need to polish up on while I am on the stage. But I wound up not going up to San Jose because Flex wasn't feeling well, was in and out of the hospital again.
What stopping you from becoming the next Mr. Olympia?
Ronnie. Ronnie is not going anywhere. Ronnie is going to do the Olympia until he drops. Trust me, he is not going nowhere no time soon. He is going to break the record. Then there's Jay Cutler. And there is always Chris Cormier. These are the main three at the moment, I think.
И номерные знаки соответствуют!!!!!! Посмотрите на машинки Декстера - кто сказал что в бб слабые заработки???
Лексус - жены
?-ка - его собственная
Я думаю, чтоб не произошло "2)" и готовят "новое поколение" типа Декстера. Тоже не дураки, видят отношение людей к сегодняшним Олимпиям, понимают, что если так дальше пойдёт, то на если не на Олимпии 2004, так на 2005, участники готовы будут загонять воздух через нипель в ж..., чтоб только стать ширее.у нынешнего бб два пути: 1) спуститься на землю, сбавить обороты и быть более приближенным к массам 2) вызвать отвращение, разочаровать зрителей, зачахнуть ...
Далее он пишет:Breakdown:
Mr. O ~ 3rd- $50,000.00
GNC ~ Winner- $100,000.00
Ironman ~ Winner- $10,000.00
Arnold ~ 3rd- $25,000.00
San Fran ~ Winner- $10,000.00
Australia ~ Winner- $10,000.00
Total: $205,000.00 Prize Money in 6 months time through 6 shows!
All this in 6 months time is impressive as hell!
Вот так!------------------------------------------------------------------------------How can Dexter beat Chris?
Well, first off I dont think Chris was 100% at his best in Australia, but all things are never really equal and rarely do 2 individuals hit their peak in the same show due to travel, peaking many times, water retention, stress, Etc.
Dexter is a "Peaking Machine" these days.
Chris peaked at the ASC, Dexter got beat but could have easily been flipped the other way.
Dexter keeps things together, Chris falls off the wagon a week later Full of H2O at the San Fran, Dexter wins, Cormier pulls out sick.
A week later, Dexter stays hungry and on the Grind, Cormier plays catch up flying across the Pacific Ocean trying to regain what he had at the Arnold but Dexter is "Nailz" and takes the Prize!
What is so hard to figure out about that?
Did you look at the conditioning of Jackson in the photo's?
Dont take anything away from this man, dude was "Sliced and Tight!"
Cormier looked like he was still trying to "Get Back" to what he had in Columbus.
My two cents, Jackson deserves the respect he should be getting at the moment, Comier will have another shot at him at the O in October!
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