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Big Beyond Belief

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Big Beyond Belief by Leo Costa (the most effective muscle producing program ever!)

Paperback: 158 pages
Publisher: Optimum Training Systems (October 20, 1998)

If you want enormous strength, rock hard, tightly defined muscles, a massive chest, slender waist, powerful arms and legs, and the capacity to outperform all of your peer by a tremendous margin, "Big Beyond Belief" is a must see! This book is the most effective muscle producing program ever developed. Three or four months on the Serious Growth Training program will have anyone pulling 20%, 30%, even up to 70% more weight with no more effort than today. Stated more powerfully -- if you're benching 250 pounds today -- we can show you how to get that up to 400 or better using Serious Growth methods!


"Friends think I'm using steroids!" -- Lance Mosely, Palm Beach Gardens, FL

"I went a year with no gains, then started this program (without supplements) and went from 207 to 220..." -- Toby Dembowski, Anaheim, CA

"In the last 9 months, I added 100lbs. to my squat, 70 to my bench... gets better with each trip..." -- Eric Litster, Brigham City, UT

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About the Author

Leo Costa Jr. is a professional weight trainer, strength developer, and nationally know educator. He's a level one weight lifting coach with the United States Weightlifting Federation, he won the NABBA Mr. USA Heavyweight Division and recently traveled to Europe to compete with 90 top ranking bodybuilders from over 10 countries for the prestigious title of Mr. World. Leo is also a highly sought after personal trainer who coaches football, baseball, and track professionals in addition to many famous athletes and celebrities, including Kevin Costner, the star of WaterWorld, JFK, Dances With Wolves, and others. Men, women, and sports teams throughout California come to Leo when they need to rapidly improve their strength, performance, endurance, or appearance. He always delivers... fast.

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