New Rules of Lifting: Six Basic Moves for Maximum Muscle
Authors: By Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove
2006, 322 pages
“The New Rules of Lifting is one of the first books on the subject that didn’t make me want to smack the authors over the head with a rusty dumbbell. This book is painfully honest, refreshingly funny, and superbly informative.” – T.C. Luoma, Editor-in-Chief, --
Product Description:
A revolutionary method of weight lifting using today's science for maximum results.
In The New Rules of Lifting, fitness guru Lou Schuler and strength-training expert Alwyn Cosgrove boil down the most recent findings on weight lifting and fitness to create a program of workouts that focuses on the movements at which the body naturally excels. These six "real-life" movements-squat, bend, lunge, push, pull, and twist-compose three complete programs for three distinct goals: fat loss, muscle gain, and strength improvement.
At home or at the gym, these routines can be mixed and matched for a year's worth of workouts that will keep boredom at bay and lifters challenged long after most plans have called it quits. And while coordinated, useful muscles will always turn heads at the beach, they'll also help you live better and longer. Besides providing comprehensive workout programs, The New Rules of Lifting covers much-needed background on aspects of lifting that are often overlooked, like warming up, nutrition, and meal planning. Throughout, Schuler and Cosgrove debunk strength-training myths, troubleshoot dangerous pitfalls, and clearly illustrate moves with black-and-white photographs.
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New Rules of Lifting
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, мар 22 2010 11:25
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